how long? || bucky barnes

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sorry ive been so inactive! my school year is finally coming to an end so i can finally start posting more soon:). ps. tysm for 3k votes you guys are the best!

requested from ChubbyDumplingSeb

I'll admit, I was wrong, what else can I say, girl?
Can't you blame my head and not my heart?
I was drunk, I was gone, that don't make it right, but
I promise there were no feelings involved

your p.o.v.
"how did you expect me to react, nat?!" you yelled. "you kissed the love of my life!" you screamed out of frustration. she made it seem like it was no big deal.

you saw bucky in the door frame. you were ready to go off on him, too, but you saw that his eyes were wide.

"i was the love of your life..?" you looked at him and scoffed. he was pathetic.

She said, "Boy, tell me honestly
Was it real or just for show?", yeah
She said, "Save your apologies
Baby, I just gotta know"

natasha looked at us both, and decided it was a good time for her to leave, so she quickly sped out. at least she still knew how to respect some boundaries.

i slowly looked up at bucky as he approached me. "you were. are. were. fuck, i dont even know anymore bucky.." you sobbed.

"i know i fucked up, believe me i do. but please i promise it didnt mean anything to me." he begged.

i shook my head. "save it." he looked shocked. "how long?" (i say maybe 8.5 inches sjjskd)

"what..?" he said quietly. "how long has it been going on?" you said louder, prouder.

How long has this been goin' on?
You been creepin' 'round on me
While you callin' me "baby"
How long has this been goin' on?
You been actin' so shady (shady)
I've been feelin' it lately, baby

he avoided eye contact. "once." he mumbled. "what was that?" you said. "for christs sake y/n, we hung out a few times but we only kissed once, okay?!" he yelled.

"right.." you said. "i knew it." i whispered. "h-how.." bucky asked.

"i could feel it, bucky. i know you dont love me, ive felt it for a while. i knew something was up when i caught you sneaking out." i said. all the signs were right infront of my face. and i ignored them.

"im so, so sorry, baby.. please.." bucky cried out.

"youre not sorry, james! youre only fucking sorry because you got caught!"

buckys p.o.v.

I'll admit (I'll admit), it's my fault (my fault), but you gotta believe me
When I say it only happened once, mmh
I tried (I tried), and I tried (I tried), but you'll never see that
You're the only I wanna love, oh, yeah

one mistake. one. and i lost the love


when i first heard the words escape her mouth, i didnt know how or what to feel. i thought i loved natasha, i was almost ready to end it with y/n.

but as the minutes went by.
as i felt y/n letting go.
as i felt her slipping away from me.

i realized that i love her. i still do. and i just let her get away.

"baby, y/n, it only happened once.." i said. she wasnt going to take me back. y/n gives second chances, of course. but she knows when to put her foot down.

this was that moment.
she knew that possibly, if she let me back in, id easily walk all over her.

"you can let it happen as many times as you want, bucky. i dont care." she said, walking to our bedroom.

"wh-where are you going?!" i panicked.

"im leaving." she replied.

"where will you go? what will you eat? i can call a friend.."

"damn it, barnes! i can figure my shit out on my own! i dont need you! and if you thought for a second that i did, youre severely mistaken."

She said "Boy, tell me honestly" (honestly)
"Was it real or just for show?", yeah (real or just for show?)
She said, "Save your apologies" (apologies, yeah)
"Baby, I just gotta know"

"no, no, no.. i cant let this happen." i was trembling.

y/n was the person who would help calm my anxiety.

natasha just wanted a good time.

y/n believed in me no matter what.

natasha thinks i'm a joke.

and it all kept coming back to one person, y/n y/l/n. she wasn't 109% gone yet. but i had lost her for good.

once she was gone she's never coming back.

i can't even deal with my own guilt. having to tell the avengers that the reason one of our best assassins left was because of me.

my stupidity.

why didnt i realize it earlier? that she was the one for me.
and why didnt she realize earlier? that i was no good for her.

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