• It Meant Nothing || Bucky Barnes •

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bucky's p.o.v. ~
"you are a f*cking liar!" yelled natasha. "how the hell- i just came home!" i ranted, everyday she was up my a** about something. "bullsh*t. we're over-" she stated blankly.

"w-wait, natasha!" i yelled, trying to get her to come back, which obviously failed.

1 day later ~
i've literally seen 5 guys all up on natasha, now that she's single. two can play that game.. but with who? i look to my left to see y/n casually reading a book. "y/n!" i yelled happily. "you are not eating the rest of my chips, james." she said, flipping a page. "what- no! i need your help."

after explaining the plan to her, i tried to get her to say yes. "i don't know buck.." she said. "please?" i begged with puppy dog eyes. she rolled her eyes. "ok." she said reluctantly

y/n's p.o.v. ~
saying yes to bucky felt so wrong, yet something kept pushing me towards it. natasha was my best friend- before she started dating bucky. before she ditched me every night and told bucky all of my secrets for entertainment.

she was the only one who knew about my crush on bucky, yet it seems as if she dated him to make me jealous.

"y/n!" bucky yelled. "hm..?" i replied, snapping out of my thoughts. "we start tomorrow, yeah?" he questioned, and i just nodded.

the next day ~
i saw natasha with steve, probably just her rebound booty call.

*knock knock*

"come in!" i yelled, putting some earrings in. "you clean up nice." bucky said from behind me. i looked at hin through the mirror. "you're not so bad yourself.

he chuckled. "come on, let's go."

bucky took me out, basically so we could do whatever we wanted. stay out for hours so natasha could question us when we got back.

we stayed out for 4 hours, it was now 11pm. when we got back, natasha was awkwardly trying to occupy herself on the couch, trying to make it less obvious she was waiting for us to arrive.

"have fun on your.. date?" she said, almost choking on the last word. "we did, yeah." bucky said smirking. he grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs.

1 month later ~
this whole fake dating thing is going really well. i like to pretend we actually are dating. we've never kissed before, though, mostly because nat never stays around long enough to see that happen.

when me and bucky go out, he always takes me to the best places, gets me gifts, etc. sometimes i feel like he's not faking it.

we were on the rooftop- a candlelit dinner, for no reason. natasha wasn't even at the tower. we talked and laughed the entire night.

one of my favourite songs was playing faint in the background, bucky knew how much i loved this song. he got up to turn up the volume, then went back to me, holding his hand out. i laughed a bit before grabbing it.

I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met

And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you

I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we me

you laid your head on bucky's chest as the two of you swayed to the music.

When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met

I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met

once the song ended, slowly bucky leaned into you. he put his arm around your waist, slowly leaning in and getting closer and closer every second.

once your lips finally touched, it was magical. whole a** sparks flying through your body. you've been longing for a kiss from bucky since you met him, and now it's finally happening.

he kissed you passionately, a way that made you weak to your knees.

once he pulled away, you tried to savior every bit of his taste. (i lit rally hate this so much lmfao.)

"buck that was.." you started to say. he had an evil smirk. from the corner of your eye, you saw natasha's figure walk out of the rooftop.

you backed away from him a bit. "you did great!" he cheered ecstaticly. you rolled your eyes. "what?" he questioned. "you know, doing all this sh*t won't get natasha back, so stop pretending like you f*cking love me!" you screamed,

"wait- you thought- i didn't mean, uhm- the kiss." he stuttered.

"no fucking shit."

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