• Vampire || Sebastian Stan •

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part one of a new series i'm starting 💓.
it'll be a whole new book, not in this one jejwjsjam.
youre the vampire in this story 🤡

seb's p.o.v. ~
7:04pm. friday night. i was at the cafe waiting for the new girl in town, y/n, to arrive. i wanted to make her feel welcomed, she was a vampire after all. and my new assistant, so it was the least i could do.

"seb, hey!" a voice called out, after the entrance door bell rang. "hey, how was your flight?" "yeah, um- it was good. pretty long and i'm starving.. do you know anything good to eat?"
she asked.

your p.o.v. ~
i mean he looks pretty good to eat, but it's a new town, new me. i took an oath, and that's to never feed on a human again. maybe if they were dead, sure. but sebastian looks pretty alive.

turth is i'm hungry for blood. its been a solid 2 weeks since i've moved here and had the slightest drop of human blood. good thing i picked the apartment near the town hospital, where i can surely speed in, steal a couple of blood bags, and head straight out.

"y/n??" sebastian called out. i zoned out. "oh, sorry. yeah i'll get the croissant." the waitress nodded, going back to the counter.

"so, where are you from?" sebastian asked, resting his elbows on the table. "actually, i'm from around here." which was true. 300 years ago, my family settled just 4 miles north from this cafe. i'm one of the founding families.

"woah, that's cool. i'm from romania. lived here for a while, though." i nodded, interested. truth is i know who sebastian is. ran into him when he was 7, of course he doesn't remember me though. it was a short interaction, anyways.

"hey, you look fimilar." seb blurted out. crap. "do i? huh." i played it off. you can't be a vampire if you're not a good liar. "yeah. were you at the party two years ago?" oh, thank god. "no. no i wasn't." i replied. "oh, must've been thinking about someone else, sorry."

"here you are." the waitress handed me my croissant, and handed sebastian his coffee. "thank you." i pulled out my card. "that won't be necessary." sebastian replied, handing her his card. i smiled at him. "thank you, sebastian."

"of course. who would i be to make you pay after asking you to come?" i nodded, "thanks."

the entrance bell rung once more. "sebastian!" someone called out. i looked to the door.

oh my shit.

a/n: hahah yall should read my new series to find out what happenssss.. or not lmao.

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