• Soft Spot || Bucky Barnes •

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bucky's p.o.v. ~
"grab the files and go, okay? that's all you were supposed to do. look what happened." tony scolded, making me groan. "oh, don't give me that!"

y/n came into the room. "hi guys." she said, taking a bite out of her apple. everything about her was beyond perfect. i was staring a bit longer than anticipated. tony facepalmed himself. "we're not done yet, barnes." he said, leaving the room.

"what's that about?" she questioned. "nothing." i replied, avoiding eye contact. "come on, buck. i know you like i know the back of my hand." she joked. "i bet you hardly know the back of your hand." i replied. "yeah, that's my point. but i'm saying i probably should know the back of my hand." she reasoned.

i gave her a confused look. "look, what i'm trying to say is i'd like to get to know you better. i should get to know you better." she stated, though my confused look never left. "just tell me what's up." she groaned.

"tony's blaming me for messing up a mission." i said, ashamed. "well that's tony." she said. "not helping." i replied. "look, it's not the end of the world.. i mean, yeah the mission was important and it's like... okay that's not helping very much is it.." she rambled. i shook my head.

she sighed. "fine. i'm gonna take you somewhere that'll make you feel better." she got up, holding out her hand for me to grab. i gratefully took it, watching her lead me outside the building. tony watched us leave, astonished on how easily i gave into y/n.

y/n's p.o.v. ~
i lead bucky outside and down the street. we were walking for quite some time. we ended up in the woods, walking down a pathway and walking over to the ledge.

"this is it." i said. i watched as bucky looked around, slightly smiling at the view. "wow.." he said breathless. "i know. it's my favourite spot." i said.

"how did you find this place?" he questioned, turning his gaze over to me. "well.. i- i used to come here with my dad, before he.. uhm.." i was cut off by bucky squeezing my hand. "it's okay." he said, giving a soft smile.

we talked for hours, watching the sunset and seeing the stars fall upon us. i eventually ended up laying on bucky's lap and he ended up playing with my hair.

"you know..," he started, causing me to look up at him. "i haven't smiled in years.." he said. i gave him a soft smile, to which he returned. "well, i'm glad i'm the reason you did." i said.

"i have a soft spot for you."

back at the tower ~
"where the hell were you?!" steve said once we got in the building, but stopped when he looked down, seeing bucky and i hand in hand.

sam smirked. "so this, huh?" causing bucky to roll his eyes. "ooh, get some, barnes!" sam chanted.

i laughed at the way sam hyped him up.

we were cut off when an angry tony stormed in "i told you we weren't done yet, barnes." he pointed a finger into his chest. "and then you go and run off?" steve and natasha both had to pull tony off of him.

"calm down. we'll get the files next time." "there won't be a next time-" "yes, there will." natasha said.

"on the other hand.." natasha said, looking over at steve and holding her hand out. "wow you meant literally." i said. steve rolled his eyes, placing $20 in her hand.

"wait-" bucky said. "you guys placed bets on us?!" i said. "oh, yeah. defintely." peter said, coming down from the ceiling causing me to jump into bucky's arms.

"what a cute couple." sam said. does he ever stop smirking. "shut it, bird." bucky said.

i need an iconic friendship like that. "nat, be the sam to my bucky." "ask wanda."

a/n: dude what even is this lol. sorry it's been a while since i've posted.

edit: so i made this pretty early so i was obviously exhausted... THERE WERE SO MANY SPELLING ERRORS I HAD TO FIX 💀💀

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