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"Five let me in! Please!" I banged on his door for what seemed to be the 100th time. He's locked himself in his room for the past few days without any warning to me. I started to think of what he could be doing.

"He's probably too sucked up in his own world to notice that he needs to get out." I turned around to see Allison.

"He's starting to scare me Ali." I started to cry and Allison rushes to embrace me. I cried on her shoulder.

"Sometimes people shut us out for what they think is for our safety, but they don't see how it affects us." She said quietly while stroking my hair. I slowly stopped crying.

"Thanks Ali." I pulled away from her and wiped my tears. She smiled sadly at me.

"Anytime, N/N." She walked away. I looked back at Five's door. I sighed.

I sat in front of his door. I hugged my knees.

"Five?" I asked, testing if he would answer.


"Five, I know you're in there. We're-," I took a breath, "I'm really worried. I don't care if you just slide a note under the door if you talk and open the door, just give me something to work on." I waited for a sign that he was listening.


I sighed and made myself comfortable.

"I'm not leaving." I said.

I sat there for well over an hour. I started getting tired. Until I heard shuffling coming from Five's room. Soon, a letter was slipped underneath the door. I opened it.


I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm sorry for shutting you out. I'm so sorry. I thought the reasons I was doing this were just but they're not. I can't undo the mistakes I've done. I can't undo the pain I've caused you. I just can't. But I want to stop any future mistakes. If you don't forgive me, I won't be upset. But I'm asking for forgiveness and another chance. So if you're crazy enough to give me another shot, knock on the door three times.


I knocked on the door three times. Anxiety consumed me. What would he look like? He hasn't come down to eat or drink anything. What-

My thoughts were interrupted y Five opening the door. As soon as I saw him I engulfed in a hug. I held onto him like I was going to lose him. I felt his hands grip my back just as tight.

"I love you, so much." He whispered into my hair before planting a soft kiss on my hair. I pulled away slightly.

"You scared me." I whispered before I kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry." He looked down at his shoes. I put my hand on his chin. He looked up at me.

"Stop apologizing and kiss me already." I smiled at him. He grinned and kissed me gently. I melted into the kiss.

When we pulled apart, Five put his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes. I followed suit.

"You're an angel." He whispered. I smiled.

"You're a savior." I whispered.

What A Wonderful World 🌌 (Five Hargreeves Imagines) Where stories live. Discover now