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GUYS HELP IVE STARTED SIMPING FOR DREAM (the minecraft youtuber/twitch streamer) AND ITS BAD

but can i get tagged/sent good stories about him? okay thanks 🥰🥺

also this imagine reminds me of paradise by coldplay.


"An OC who was raised by the Handler with Lila, their powers being wings that they can retract and their weapon of choice is a sword. Maybe they're sent to kill Five, but they fall in love..."

"You my precious darlings are going to hunt down Number Five for me!" Mother said as she ate. I looked at Lila and shrugged. We did as we were told, however, Lila had already been in contact with him. I had yet to meet Number Five.

"Mother, you have already sent Li, when can I go? My wings have been retracted for so long, I need to stretch them out and fly!" I whined, the dull pain in my back becoming more present. Lila slapped my back. I doubled over in pain.

"Now my little dove, you'll be going out soon. As for your flying, I'll take you out to an open field okay? And I'll let you have an hour for yourself." I have her thumbs up from my fetal position on the floor. Lila rolled her eyes and left to go to Diego.

"Mother?" I got up from the floor and seated myself at the table.

"Yes my dove?" She smiled at me and petted my hair. I smiled.

"Do you know where my sword and scabbard is?" I always kept it with me but I had recently sharpened it and cleaned its scabbard from the last bloody fight I had with some 'friends' back at the commission.

"Oh it's in the bathroom darling but let's go to that field first." She stood up and beckoned me to come. In a few seconds, we had appeared in an empty field. Not a house or person in sight for miles.

I turned to Mother expectantly, practically shaking with glee.

"You can go ahead dove." I smiled and sighed as my wings began to fold out to their full span.

I stretched them out, the full 10 feet of dark brown feathers.

"Mother? Can you pluck the stray feathers? They irritate me a lot." I frowned and sat down for her to be able to do it.

"Of course my little dove." She began to pluck, making sure she did not hurt me, she was always this gentle with me. Lila, not so much. Mother always treated her a little tougher than me, I didn't mind. I needed more care and a gentle hand.

When Mother had found me, I was only a child and wounded, walking the alleys and being hunted by circus handlers to make me exhibition. My right wing was broken due to the circumstances I wan in. I was shaking like a scared animal. She had coaxed me and scooped me into her arms. I hugged her, knowing I was safe with her.

She nursed me back to health. But returning to flying was slow because of my wing. Soon I had grown stronger, and Mother had started to take me to swordsmanship lessons.

Lila had the agility and I had the strength. She could evade while I could attack.

My lessons and my skills developed well, and soon I became a master.

"And done! Go ahead my little dove, but remember, when you hear my whistle, come back." She smiled and helped me up. I hugged her and ran a few yards before pushing up and flapping my wings.

The wind started to rush in my ears, as I was aiming towards the clouds, knowing the view was better above the clouds.

I let out whoops of excitement. I had done tricks, diving into where I pleased.

I had reach above the clouds and I had awed at the beauty. I flew higher, my hair flying wildly behind me.

I had stopped and just stayed in one place, just flapping. I smiled wickedly.

I had let myself free fall, the adrenaline rushing in my head. I laughed and yelled.

I saw the ground rushing closer to me, I had started diving and opened my wings fully so I could fly upward.

I let out a sigh of happiness as I flew a few feet above the ground. I heard the high pitches whistle and look to my Mother, who stood a couple hundred feet to my left.

I flew to her and landed, retracting my wings back so I could look normal.

"Now come one my little dove. You have a certain time traveler to catch." I nodded and held her hand as she blinked us back to the house.

I readied to be presented in front of a crowd of lunatics, eccentric, multi-millionaires. I was going undercover as a "freak of nature", dressed in expensive jewels and fabrics.

The light blue light tule flowing effortlessly off of my waist, embroidered with flowers scattered along the skirt. A long bow accentuating my waist. The sleeves coming to my elbows, sitting off my shoulders. The back was open, allowing me to properly spread my wings open to their full span.

My hair had been pinned up, held up by sapphire pins. A necklace encrusted with aquamarine stones, glittering gently against my collarbone.

My face had been painted to perfection. My eyes had been coated with a light layer of gold. My cheeks had been dusted with some blush. My lips had been tinted a rosy color.

They escorted me to the open ballroom. They pushed me a bit, and I got the gist.

I let my wings stretch out as they possibly could. Their tips almost touch the walls.

Everyone looked at me with awe, however I was looking for someone else.

Five Hargreeves. I spotted him staring at me. Not my wings. He marveled at them, looking at them with awe. I felt myself flush a bit. His eyes were so piercing, not to mention h o t.

Now I'm starting to wonder how hard this is gonna be.

I knew what Five looked like. But seeing him so close, his good looks were more intense. As much I want to get with him, I can't. I must obey Mother.

I was roaming among the people aimlessly. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and felt my breath catch. It was Five.

"May I have a dance?" He held out his hand, I looked at him with curiosity. His eyes held emotions I couldn't decipher. A small smile etched its way into my lips.

"Of course."

I shouldn't have taken that dance. He swayed me like no other. He treated me like an equal, not just some caged bird. His words had carved a memory in my head.

Mother would be livid with my wavering emotions. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I have to kill him, not fall for him!

He took me out of the party, onto the lawn. I felt my heart loud.

"I know who you are." My heart dropped. He looked at me with his serious eyes.

"The Handler is one to brag, mostly about you. I heard about you back when I was apart of the commission. I always wanted to meet you, Y/N," I stood there frozen, not knowing what to say, "However, I think you'd be more useful with me. The Handler just uses you for her own interests and gain. Tell me angel, when was the last time you ever went to fly on your own?" He asked. I opened my mouth to reply, but I closed it. I never have flown alone.

"Mother, she, she looks after me! She doesn't use me... right?" I looked at him, questioning my position as her 'daughter'. He looked at me with sympathy, an emotion I had never seen someone give me.

"Come with me. I'll tell you more about myself." He held out his hand again. I looked at him, confused and distressed.

"When it comes down to it, she'll make me betray you. You know that, right?" He gave me a lopsided grin.

"Well, good thing you're coming with me. I'll change your whole world angel." I blushed.

"Okay." I said softly, as I took the hand of what I thought was going to be my friend.

If only I had known he was going to be my lover.

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