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I paced my room, thinking about where Klaus has been the past few days. The last time I saw him was when the gunmen came and shot up the house. They kidnapped him. Must've. Klaus has been my best friend ever since Five disappeared.

I heard Diego's thoughts from the living room. I need to find them, they will pay for killing Eudora.

She died? I heard someone enter the house. I fell onto the floor as soon as I heard their thoughts and saw their memories. I yelled in pain. The memories felt so real. I felt the pain. I felt their emotions and their thoughts.

The door opened to reveal Klaus and Five.

The memories got worse. Dave died. Dave?

"Klaus.... What.... Happened? It hurts... so much." I said in between sobs. Klaus looked and me with glassed eyes.

"You already know." I cried harder because he was remembering it over, and over again. Five rushed to my and put my head in his lap. He started to calm me down.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. Get into my mind. Okay?" I tried to focus on Five. He was remembering the time we went to Griddy's. We had a date there.

My loud sobs slowly quieted down to soft sniffles. Five kept coaxing me and stoking my hair.

"Better?" I sat up and rubbed my temples. I nodded at Five. I looked at Klaus.

"Klaus?" He looked up.

"Yeah?" His voice was so soft and quiet.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I ran into him and hugged him.

"You're going to be okay." I kept whispering in his ear. It'll be okay.

Klaus thanked me and left. Now Five was just laying on my bed, waiting for me to lay down with him. I didn't hesitate to crawl into his arms.

"Five, it hurt so much. It felt like when I first saw you." Five's grip tightened on me.

(don't give me shit for this okay)

"It's been seventeen years." Luther's voice bounced in my head like a screensaver.

"It's been a lot longer than that!" As soon as Five said that, images and memories flashed in my head. It hurt so much, both emotionally and physically. I collapsed and fell onto the ground.

Everyone rushed to my side, asking what's wrong. I couldn't answer them because I was too busy sobbing so loud, my entire body shook.

"Y/N! You're okay, just breathe and focus on me, okay?" I heard Klaus's voice but not his face. I tried to control my breathing. I thought of my happy place. Griddy's. With all of my siblings. I felt the images fade. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry.

"That's it Y/N. Come on. Just a little bit more." My vision slowly became clear. Once I could see right, I sat up. Tears were still streaming down my face and my hair had become disheveled.

"How log has it been Five?" Five looked at Diego.

"45 years."


"I'm sorry you had to see that." His voice was barely above a whisper. He kissed my head, helping me calm down and relax.

"Whenever I see people's minds, their usually so colorful and sometimes a little dark. But when they're like yours or Klaus's, it's painful. It hurts everywhere." I pressed myself further into Five's chest. He kissed my temple.

"Well now, you don't need to worry about that. Just focus on what we're doing now, in the present." I felt myself grow tired and eventually start to fall asleep. Five saw this and threw a blanket over us.

"C'mon. Let's take a nap." He adjusted himself so he was laying on his back and my head was on his chest. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat, knowing I was safe.

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