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"five time travels and unbeknownst to him y/n is pregnant and has to raise their child. then five returns to see his child"

another request 🥰

I stared at the little stick in my hands. This couldn't be happening. 'Positive'.

It's his, and the selfish bastard isn't here to witness it.

"Baby, looks like it's just you and me." I slid down the wall, tears forming in my eyes as i rubbed my lower abdomen.

Years later

"Hey! We have to go home!" I saw my baby at some random stall in the market. I smiled as I saw the smile on his face. I had to dye my hair in order to become his mother out in public and at home. I also missed aging, so my hair was now (h/c) with some white highlights. I wore makeup to make it look like I had wrinkles.

"Aidan, come on. Grandma wants you home. And that power of yours need to be kept in check." I pinched his nose. He laughed as his dimples shown.

"Okay Okay!" He took my arm and started to walk me home.

"Hey mom?" He started, wondering what my boy would start asking now.

"Yes my little man?" I kept walking straight, the ghost of a smile dancing on my face.

"When is dad coming home?" I frowned at the question.

"I wish I knew baby. But I want you to know that you are the best thing that could have ever happened in my life. You have my eyes, and your father's dimples." I put my hands on his face. He smiled.

"Right." We continued to walk home, chatting about how to decorate the house for halloween.

We walked into the house, seeing everyone in the foyer.

"Uncle Luther, Aunt Allison, Aunt Vanya, Uncle Klaus. Grandma, what's going on?" Aidan said as he looked to the sea of people he called his family.

"Yeah what is going on?" I clutched Aidan's arm closer to my chest.

"Y/N, before anything else happens, I want you to know, that you are allowed to feel anything-" Before Allison could finish, I saw him. I felt my eyes burn, and I gasped. "Y/N, I-"

"Shut up," I looked down to the ground, "I don't want to see you unless we are alone with Aidan. Then we can speak. Aidan, let's go up to my room." I walked with my boy, up to what I once called my safe room, but now it reminds me of what once was.

"Momma, what's going on?" Aidan whispered to me in a hushed tone. I looked to him.

"Baby, I'll explain everything. Come along now." I opened the door and sure enough, he had time jumped up here. A look of confusion passed on Aidans face. Before a realization popped in his mind.

"Wait he's-" I stopped Aidan before he could say anything. I gave him a knowing look and he nodded.

"Will you please tell me what the hell is going on here and why he is with you?" I looked at the man I love. I hated to admit it but I did love him. He was my husband for christ's sake.

"He is the man who has helped me through all these years." I tightened my hand on Aidan's arm.

"So I meant nothing to you?" He looked angry. I chuckled which turned into full body laughter.

"What the hell is so funny?" I wiped tears from my eyes as Aidan tried to help me stand.

"Nothing I just, heh, it's funny that you haven't noticed." I composed myself.

"What?" Five looked like he was taking a math test. I chuckled.

"Do you want to say something, Aidan?" I looked at my boy and he swallowed hastily. He slowly nodded.

"Uhm, I uh, uhm, I-" I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. A mother's touch can nurture. He cleared his throat.

"Okay, uhm, you're, my uh, father." Aidan played with his hands. I rubbed his back soothingly.

"Y/N, you can't be serious. He's, uh mine?" Fives eyes watered. Aidan looked at me and held my hand. I smiled.

"This is our boy, my love. He has my eyes, your dimples, your smile, and my hair. I can't tell you how many times I've seen you in him. He reminds me of you. And I see myself in him too," I smiled with tears in my eyes "Aidan, wanna show him your thing?" I placed my hand on his cheek and he grinned.

He took out a flask and started manipulating the water, He had made a sphere in the palm of his hand. He had frozen it and made it evaporate. His had turned from a e/c to a glowing blue.

"I'm so proud of our boy. He's made me feel so much happier. The entire pregnancy I thought I wasn't gonna make it, but both him and I made it out healthy." Aidan smiled and hugged me. I looked at Five.

"I'm so sorry. Please let me make it up to you. I uh, I want you both to know, that I tried my hardest to get back home. I read Vanya's book, and she mentioned spending time with her wonderful nephew but Allison only had Claire so I thought it might've been Klaus' or Diego's. But if I had known... I would've gone to the stars and back for you both." Five had cried as his heart hurt. Aidan look sympathetic.

"I never did get to ask about you much. Mom always told me I'd see you soon. And my aunts and uncles aren't very fond of you. But Grandma and Pogo both are fond of you. And I spent hours studying your portrait. So, uh, it's great to see you dad." Aidan smiled with tears in his eyes. Five had broke down. I smiled at my boy.

I walked over to Five and knelt down beside him.

"I told you, in this life and the next, I would always love you." I kissed him softly and smiled. He held me tightly. I motioned for Aidan to come and he held me just as tightly.

My boys were finally with me, together again.

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