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THIS IS A WARNING! This includes a school shooting situation and if you are sensitive to this topic, I am sorry. This is to raise awareness of what needs to be done to protect children from facing this. This shouldn't happen. Whatever you may take away from this, I am using my platform to voice my thoughts, not to persuade you all into agreeing with me. Read with caution.

In its prime, the academy was a force to be reckoned with. Everyone, meaning the public, ranked who their favorite was, based on physique and power. As well as what they could gather from interviews.

Number 1 or Space-boy as the media called him for his love of space, wasn't everyone's favorite. He made himself seem cocky, which he was.

Number Two, The Kraken. He put up this front of being a brave and confident hero, but everyone could see right through his persona. Still, everyone liked him for his cute shyness.

Number Three, The Rumor. Everyone pretended to like her, in fear she would use her power on them. Behind closed doors, everyone viewed her as stuck up and spoiled.

Number Four, The Séance. Everyone wanted to know more about him. No one was able to get him to say anything more than a few words.

Number Five, The Boy. Everyone liked him the best. He wasn't overly confident but he wasn't too humble. Besides everyone wanted him and Numbers Seven (in reality she was Number 8 of the academy) to become a couple. They were the duo everyone loved. Number One and Three tried to be that but ultimately failed.

Number Six, The Horror. Everyone pitied him. Such a small child for such power. He was always quiet, reserved.

Number Seven (Eight), The Star. She was the media's favorite. She was charming and quick-witted. She was absolutely dazzling. Her and Five were the perfect duo, one was analytical and the other was brash.

The most notable event they helped with as an active shooter situation at an elementary school. It was very insightful for Eight, why? Because I am her and I was there.

We were in Connecticut, taking a look around since it was semi-close to home. When we were listening to the police scanner, Dad made us go. I heard briefly about a shooter at an elementary school.

I suited up and looked at Five for something. He looked prepared. He had the same smirk as always. I frowned and went up to embrace him.

"I don't want to go, these are children," I said, a shake present in my voice. He held me closer to his chest.

"I know, but we can save them from this lunatic." His voice was filled with determination.

"I hope you're right." I pull away slightly to smile at him. He grinned and Dad called us to leave.

We arrived at the sight and entered through a back entrance.

"Listen up children," Dad said through our earpieces, "This is a very delicate situation. Many lives are at stake right now, including your own. Be careful, and read the situation at hand."

"Alright you heard him, let's go in with our guards up and our ears pricked up," Luther said. I still had the uneasy and unsettling weight in my stomach.

We entered the school, suited in bulletproof vests, listening for a shot to fire.

We walked in silence, the school was in lockdown until the shooter was captured.

I saw no lights on, as children hid in the dark. I took attention to my footsteps. My senses were on over drive, everyone's thoughts slamming into my conscious.

"I want my mommy."

"Dear god, let these children make it out alive and well."

"This poor angel is going to bleed to death, and I can't do a damn thing about it."

I wanted to let out a sob. I wanted to scream out from the grief of the children, the staff. No one should go through this.

"This place will burn down with me."

I felt my body go cold. He's nearby, he's the one responsible for this. He's the one who had the heart, or lack thereof, to murder innocent children.

He's close, I pushed my thought to the rest of the academy.

Everyone looked scared but we kept our composure for the safety of everyone.

I turned a corner and I saw a male, with an assault rifle. I put myself flat against the wall and called for the rest of the academy telepathically.

Please don't get hurt love. I smiled at the sweet thought Five gave me, knowing he was still looking out for me. But the thought quickly diminished as the male started to walk towards me.

I crouched down, thanking the darkness of the school due to the lack of lights since it had gone on lockdown. I readied myself and swiped him off his feet by using my leg to get him off balance and fall. The rifle left his hands and fell to the ground beside him, leaving him open.

I quickly kicked the rifle farther away so he couldn't grab it but he grabbed my leg and tried to pull me down. I kicked off his hands but he pulled me down.

He got on top of me and tried to choke me, cutting off my air supply for a moment before the other showed up. Five quickly tackled the man to the ground but was quickly found overpowered due to the large size comparison.

The male ran off for his rifle, but Luther got in his way. Luther tried to throw a punch but the man dodged and got the rifle.

We expected him to shoot us, but when Five appeared in front of him ready to grab the rifle, the man shot himself.

We stood in disbelief. Did we stop him from murdering other children? Or did we arrive too late?

All these questions swirled in our heads as we headed out to meet the police.

They bombarded us with questions. But none of us wanted to respond, with a cloud of doubt over our heads.

I went home that night wanting to scream and cry. For the reason that I couldn't save those children. Those poor angels.

"You couldn't have done anything love." I turned around and saw Five. I ran into him and embraced him like he would go away.

"We did all could, and we stopped him from hurting more people." He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead.

I wanted to melt away, wanting to wash away the guilt I felt.

Sorry for the heavy topic. I just had this thought and wondered if I could spark a conversation on this. I've thankfully haven't witnessed a school shooting but there was a domestic violence situation nearby that made my school go into lockdown. I didn't go home until 4 in the afternoon, which is two hours later than I'm supposed to. I was scared, and so was everyone else. Please, be kind to each other. This is a controversial subject, but we need to have this conversation.

also, this is off topic but have any of you seen the anime "Toilet Bound Hanako Kun"? lowkey wanna make a hanako x reader fanfic. let me know.

take care honeybees 🐝

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