Chapter 4

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                                 Biker girl
*Heaven's POV*
I tossed in bed, watching as the aurora of morning fluttered gracefully within the four walls of my tiny room. It was filled with dust and smoke proliferating from downstairs, mixing with the light of dawn, giving the room a soft and hazy feel. The luster accentuated each dust particle igniting them like fireflies.

Such a beautiful morning, yet the thought of having to attend my first day of college made me sick to the stomach. I wasn't ready to socialize, and I will never be. I got out of bed, washed my faced, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and drew on a pair of winged liners at the corner of each of my eyes. I raided my half empty closet and chose a pair of black ripped jeans, a coal crop top, matched with my trusty leather jacket and some Dr. Martin black boots. I carefully opened the bedroom door, making sure not to produce the slightest noise, and peeked through the handrails of the staircase to make sure the coast was clear. As foreseen, a figure was sprawled, passed out, on the dusty couch. I swiftly but silently made my way to the front door, onto the main street where I unlocked my bike which had been tied to the neighbors fence, and drove off to USBH (University of South-Brookes Hemmington)

(this is awful sorry I couldn't come up with a better name lol, note that its made up)

As I arrived, I could tell this was not quite a regular college, it was immense. Not even having entered yet, I noticed that the students were split in groups according to social classes or interests. The positive, drugged hippies in one corner, the geeky guys in another. Emo's, the "too cool for school" group, the orchestra kids, and lastly, the worse ones, the spoiled rich kids. As I rode into the parking area and halted my motorbike, I felt at least a pair of 200 eyes staring at me. I was the center of attention.

Some random dude (which was standing among the spoiled rich kids) said:

_ "Look at this guy. Thinks he's so cool on his bike."

As he was making his way towards me, mischief and venom painting his face, I took off my helmet, exposing the fact that this "show off dude" was actually a woman. He came to a halt...

Heyy guys, sorry the chapters are short! I'm trying to make my story more interesting by adding an intriguing element to it. Hope you're enjoying so far.
It's the first day if college, so far everyone thought Heaven was a show off guy. What will happen next? Who will she meet? And what does this new year bring?
Find out in the next chapters!

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