Chapter 23

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Forever and always
•Justus's POV•
We heard screaming coming from the basement along with some banging and objects falling over during the first few minutes of them being locked up in there together... At first we didn't understand what was going on. So we didn't check. Just in case... you know?

We waited for an hour. We drank some champagne, ate some cake and chatted for a while. Alex opened the gifts. Athena and I had gotten him an outfit and shoes (Athena chose the outfit, I chose the shoes), Landon had bought him an expensive watch and Heaven gifted him silver earrings and a necklace. An hour had passed and all three of us excitedly ran down to the basement, only to unlock the door and find Landon sitting on the floor in the dark, head between his bloodied hands. As soon as we cane in, he raised his head to face us and covered his red eyes with his hands due to the light coming from the apartment itself. "Omg he killed her!" yelled Alex.

_ "No you dimwit, I didn't!" He growled. "if anyone killed the other, then it was her who tore me". He muttered that last part only loud enough for me to hear.

_ "Where did she go then?" Asked Athena.

_ "I don't know, she left through the window. Said she wouldn't be at home." he continued. "I don't know what the fuck was going on in your empty heads, and why the fuck you decided doing what you did, but I'm fucking leaving." he stood up and walked away. "Happy birthday Alex" were his last words before he slammed the door shut and stormed away.

There we were, left standing in the dark basement. Alex switched on the light, and we all just silently stared at each other. There were droplets of blood here and there, a tiny bit on the wall under the window, a few drops on the floor where Landon sat.
Whatever happened here, was ugly.

*Heaven's POV*
I got soaked to the bones as I ran through the empty streets. Where was I going? I don't know. I felt like all those emotions which I had buried somewhere deep inside me, like all the emotions I pushed away, were finally gonna come streaming out. Rain was pouring heavily, my hair was wet, clothes soaked, and my shoes filled up with water, as the rain flooded the streets. The little makeup I had on was now no doubt smudged, and was messily streaming down my face.

But it wasn't just because of the rain...

My hands pulsated in pain. I needed to unleash my anger, frustration and hurt somehow, I wasn't going to cry; even though I know it's okay to cry. Crying isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of being human and hurting. If I want to release my stress, then I only have one place to go: The Underground...

~Athena's POV~
It's been a week since the incident, neither Heaven nor Landon spoke to any of us. I understand that they must be extremely angry with us, and even though what we did was stupid, our intentions were pure.

College went on, I didn't see Heaven for about 4 days, and on the fifth she came back, but would disappear on breaks, free periods and vanish after college. Landon didn't skip, but he would simply ignore us.

After Lab I needed a smoke, so I headed up to the roof, my regular smoking getaway area. As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by a familiar silhouette. Heaven stood there, lazily taking drags of a cigarette gently placed between her roughed up fingers. I took a spot near her, and silently lit my own cigarette.

_ "you know..." she paused, "I'm not mad at you. I know you only meant well." she finally broke the silence.
I looked at her in disbelief. "I just needed time to cool off" she went on.
I know Heaven didn't like it when people tiptoed around her so I confidently said:

_"so you mind telling me what the hell happened that night"

_ "We didn't know of each others presence, so I kind of used my boxing skills on him then the motherfucker pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. I already know you and Justus are part of a gang, so he mustn't be too far off, that explains the gun.I just hate how he always made me out to be the bad guy when he himself is hiding something seemingly worse." She explained.

_ "Yeah, it was an asshole move but... Hold the fuck up sis! First off, why the fuck do you think we're apart of a gang? Second off, did you just say that fucker pulled out a gun at you?"

_ "Cut the crap Athena, there's no use in deny it. Don't worry I won't tell. It was easy to find out really. All because of the following details:
You and Justus have the same tattoo of a cross. You have it behind your ear, he has it on his ankle. Second off, you both have perfect aim, a great stamina and quick reflexes. You are also witty, observant and confident. Also you keep on saying that you work at, he who shall not be named, father's company, yet you never told me what it is that you actually do. You also use assassin or gang related terminology unconsciously, and Justus said he's, again he who shall not be named', right han-...
WAIT A MOTHER FUCKING MINUTE, Landon is a motherfucking gang leader!?" She almost yelled.

_ "shhhh...keep it down will ya!?
Wow, I didn't think you were that observant, no offense." I rub my temples, not knowing how to proceed. "Well there's no need to lie anymore...Yes Justus and I have been part of a gang for some time now, that's how we afford rent and tuition. The Landon part is not quite right, but it's not my place to say. Whenever you two make up, he will decide whether or not to tell you. That is, if you tell him about your own secret. You know, an exchange. A secret for a secret. Also, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it wasn't fair that you told me about The Underground yet I didn't tell you about the gang shit. I just didn't want to scare you off and also I'm not allowed to tell anyone anything, but I didn't tell you, you found out on your own so..." I shrug.

_ " Hey it's fine. You weren't obliged to tell me anything. I told you by choice..." She finally puts out her cigarette. "Oh and by the way, I already told him."

_ "You what!?" I exclaim.

_ "you heard me bitch, I accidentally blurted it out while I yelled at him in the basement. Also, about what you said earlier, you can't scare me off that easily. You picked this stray dog off the streets, now you ain't getting rid of it. It's not gonna happen honey." Heaven smirks at me.

_ "Dully noted..." I return her smile. "Look,
I'm not good at this emotional stuff, but girll, I'm glad I met you. Really. You are not just my best friend, but you're my sister too, forever and always ." She wraps her hand around my neck and we walk down to class...

_ "Forever and always..."
More secrets out, wow. The Sullivans are part of a gang. But who is Landon? Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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