Chapter 10

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*Heaven's POV*
Briefly said, i skipped lunch, and it was time for class again. I wasn't sad though, i had literature, and i love it. I find writing a way of expressing emotions, especially when you don't like talking about them. It's an art few can master truly.

~ "I was once told
"Life is a challenge to unfold"
And you sometimes need a stanchion, literature is the window to mind expansion
Success is not a must
For circumstances may be unjust
Hard work and devotion
Dreams, beliefs and little emotion
You can't give up now
It's important to know how
Society is a scary place
And time is demanding a race
You give in, you fall down
You persevere, you wear a crown"

(Please note not to copy this poem, i wrote it myself, and i hope you can respect my rights)

I was also glad as this period would help me calm my nerves. After that came sociology. As i entered the crowded class, the only empty seat left was near the guy who was bullied during lunch.

He was a slim guy, not very tall, but of an adequate hight. He was tanned with dark charcoal hair, and dark brown eyes. He also now had a bruise under his left eye and a small cut at the edge of his full lips. I took my seat as the teacher entered and class begun. Halfway through the teachers' lecture, i was elbowed by the guy sitting next to me. I turned to face him.

_ " I didn't get to thank you ..." he started

_ "Heaven. My name is Heaven."

_ "I'm Alex, nice to meet you...Thank you Heaven. But really, you shouldn't have, you might get into trouble because of me now. Besides I'm used to it."

_ "Hey, it's fine. If anything it wasn't your fault, i chose to stand up for you, and it was the douches fault for being an asshole anyways. No one should be "used to" being bullied, that's messed up"

He chuckled then continued:
_ "well i still want to thank you, do you have anything planned after school? And don't worry it's not a date"

_ "well... i kind of have a place to be at 9 but I'm free anytime before that" i said

_ "great! Then meet me at the parking lot at the end of the day. I hope you like sushi!" He said, and as if on queue, the bell rang, announcing my second free period. It was now 12:30.

I headed to the cafeteria, this time with no distractions, to find Athena. As i scanned the crammed eating space, i spotted Athena headed towards an empty table, food tray in hand. I rushed towards her.

_ "h_hey!" I said catching my breath.

_ "where were you!? I waited the whole time for you on the first break and you ditched me. Great start for a friendship."she mumbled, rolling her eyes.

We sat down at the empty table as i continued:

_ "im sorry, i kind of got stuck in a sticky situation. I don't know if i should tell you or not, I don't want to scare off the only company I've got." I joked.

_ "you beat up Josh Anders and saved a kid who was getting bullied, pff... who knew you'd be such a softie" she said, spreading peanut butter on a piece of toast.

_ "How'd you know!? You stocking me now you creepy bitch"

We both burst into laughter.

_ "nah, I've got better things to do. It was my brother. He's obsessing over what happened and drilled it into my head"

_ "who's you brother?" I ask.

_ "there, that's him. He's coming over with his friend." She pointed behind me with her spreading knife. And so i glanced over my shoulder in the direction she was pointing at...

Who could be Athena's brother? Is it Alex? The guy who was bullied? Or is it someone else?
And what does Heaven have planned at 9?
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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