Chapter 20

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                               Secrets die
~Athena's POV~
"Come on Heaven, you'll have to speak to him sooner or laterr" I whine as I face plunge onto the mattress of Heaven's new home. "You know it's good you finally bought yourself an apartment away from your toxic father. Take it as a new start. And try mending your relationship with Landon aswell, then you'll really get started with some fresh shit. I mean, you guys only started talking, and then pouf it all vanished again."

_ "you know, I don't see why I should try fixing things, if he isn't. So I'm gonna politely ask you, to fuck off. Thanks boo."

_ "who told you he isn't trying?"

•Justus's POV•
_ "My answer is still no" said Landon as he put his earphone back into his ear.

_ "oh come onnnn, we can't even hangout all together anymore because of your childishness, all you have to say is: I'm. Sor. Ry."
He ignored me. Great! This is going to be harder than expected with these two stubborn children.

~Athena's POV~
It's been 3 weeks since Landon and Heaven last spoke. I couldn't take a side because even though I've known him longer, I know how irrational Landon can be sometimes, and I couldn't judge Heaven, even though I too knew that she was hiding something, because I now know about her past, and I can imagine how in need she is of providing for her self and her brother. But the biggest reason I decided not to judge her, is because I'm not any better myself...

_ "you know I don't even understand the reason behind your fight. Mind explaining?" I pry.

_ "I don't either. I'm just sick and tired of him running after me telling me I'm a bad person and suspecting I'm involved in some shady shit. I mean, even if I was, I don't understand what it has to do with him." She huffs. "Whenever we talk, he always has to comment on this topic. He should really learn how to keep his nose out of other people's business."

_ "you know Landon, he's a stubborn idiot-"

_ "oh I know!"

_ "would you let me finish! God... yes, he may be stubborn, nosy, bad tempered, jumps to conclusions, and acts like a douche, but believe it or not, he actually has a heart and cares about others. He was just worried about your well being. If he didn't care about you, trust me, he surely wouldn't of given a fuck. But as someone who knows him since birth, I can tell you that he's maybe the most selfless person I've ever met. All I'm asking is for you to give him a chance..." Heaven's furrows her eyebrows and pouts at my words. Bingo... I got the reaction I wanted.

_ "well he sure has a weird way if showing it" she rolls her eyes.


"You know, he's not the only one who noticed..." I gather the courage and say.

_ "oh no not you too"

_ "Hear me out: 1, your wounds aren't healing, they're only getting worse and amplifying. 2, the more wounds you get, the more money you seem to have. I mean, you moved out, we go out almost every weekend, and now you're saving up for a car. Honey you realize you can tell me anything, right? We both know that you ain't getting all this money from working at a coffee shop." I state.
She sighs, defeated.

_ "you're right. What I'm going to tell you promise me not to tell a single soul. You can only tell Justus if you trust him enough not to tell Landon. Please." She starts.
I nod in agreement.
"I'm an illegal fighter. I fight at a place called The Underground..."

*Heavens POV*
I look at Athena as her eyes widen. I didn't want her to change her opinion of me, but it was too late to go back now. "I fight barehanded. People place their bids on fighters and the one who bid on the winner gets the losers money. We also have agents among the audience who bid as-well. Thats how I make my money. I get around 15,000 dollars after each fight. I have to win two rounds to get the money tho." I finally end. After a few moments of dreadful silence Athena finally says:

_ "No. Fucking. Wayy. That is sooo cool bitchhh. You gotta take me some time!!!"
I let out a breath of relief I didn't even know I was holding back. Thank god for such a crazy but understanding friend.

~Athena's POV~
I fill Justus in on everything and make him swear on his life not to tell Landon a word.

_ "so what's the plan?" He asks.

_ "what do you mean?"

_ "I mean we have to reconcile them. There's no way you can't see that they are perfect for each other. She's basically a female version of Landon."

_ "she may be, but he's a player. You know it, I know it, we all do. I have come to love Hell like my own sister, and even though I've known Landon longer and consider him as a second brother, I don't trust him to change. Even though I love the idea of them being together. I'm not sure about it"

_ " I know he can change. In fact he already has. He hasn't slept with any girl since he met Heaven."

_ "what about the blond girl at the party... what was her name... umm.. Melanie. Heaven told me the next day after I got drunk, that she joined us at the roof that night because some girl came up to Landon and they basically almost did the nasty in-front of her." I cross my arms defensive.

_ "Exactly, she came up to him. But he didn't sleep with her that night. He said he "wasn't in the mood". Landon is always in the mood for girls. It seems like not anymore." My brother counters.

_ "hmmm... well in that case, we will need all hands on deck for this one. I'll call Alex and we'll meet up at Donny's (it's the café Heaven and Alex work at), Heaven has today off. We'll talk details there..."

Hmmm... what are they plotting?
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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