Chapter 37

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                               The Heir
*Heaven's POV*
Landon shooed Justus away, asking him to take the other two guys to the shooting range. Athena followed her twin, giving me a "good luck" glance. Landon just sat there, staring down at his feet, his heavy breathing filling the now empty gym. I take a seat on the ring beside him.

_ "you sure you're fine?" I ask worried. I threw him to the ground pretty hard after all.

_ "I'm fine" he replies angrily standing up to face me. "What are you doing here? What are you thinking? Do you even know what you're getting yourself into?" He interrogates me, his tone only hardening with every word.

_ "I need the money, Landon, you know it. Ever since the Underground burned down, I've been given a month before being evicted out of my apartment and I don't want to go back home. I don't want to see my brother suffer because of my father! I DON'T WANT TO BE BEATEN LANDON!" My tone begins to rise and I feel a lump forming in my throat. I take a deep breath, even my tone out and continue: "I want to finish university, and working at the coffee shop won't be enough."

_ "But we can help you Heaven, we already told you, we're here for you, and even though you don't have to, knowing your stubborn ass, you can repay us little by little." his voice calms.

_ " I know this all already, but I don't want to be a charity case, I can take care of myself. I was offered a place here by Juliano and I'm taking it. As long as I can provide for myself, I'm not going to take anything from anyone." I finalize, but he had other plans in mind.

_ "I know you're an independent, strong woman, but there's nothing wrong in asking help, you are not a charity case, you're a friend. So stop putting yourself in dangerous situations and accept our goddamn help!" He was starting to get angry, and I knew it was a bad idea to continue this conversation, but I'm already here, and I'm not taking any chances.

_ "but-" I start.

_ "NO! NO BUTS HEAVEN! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO JOIN THE SAINTS AND THAT'S FINAL!" He yells. I jump back, not expecting such a sudden outburst.


Landon smashes his lips against mine, preventing me from continuing my sentence. I could feel my skin ignite under his touch as he wrapped his hands around my body pulling me closer to him and carrying me off the ring. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist and my fingers find their way into his hair, entangling themselves into his silky chocolate mane. He let's out a frustrated growl against my lips. Every ounce of anger, frustration and determination were morphed into a hungry kiss.

"God don't you understand?" he whispered in between our kisses. Despite the fact that my body ached for more, I broke our kiss and gazed into his mesmerizing ocean orbs.

^Landon's POV^
Heaven breaks our kiss hesitantly and looks into my eyes, a confused look on her face. Still carrying her, I take in her molten caramel orbs holding specks of yellow in them.

_ "mind elaborating?" She says, her voice low and husky.

_ "elaborating what?" I ask, placing a delicate peck on her luscious, soft lips.

_ "what you meant when you said "don't you understand?"... what don't I understand?"

Shit did I really say that out loud. I place her on the floor, and reach for my shirt which I had taken off before our one on one match.

_ "Landon don't ignore me... it's enough you cut me off twice already, first time by yelling at me and the second time by kissing me" she added.

*Heaven's POV*
He sighs and faces me, shirt still in hand. I could tell it was something serious as he got fidgety and seemed uncomfortable. I go up to him and place my right hand on his cheek, caressing it with my thumb and offering him a comforting smile.

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