Chapter 8

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Fire inside
*Heaven's POV*
The first day was slow, nothing unusual. It had been passing actually better than i expected it too. Even though the first classes, were awfully boring, we had math, then economics, i made it through!
It was now time for lunch, and as Athena and i agreed to, i headed to the cafeteria where we would meet.

But oh how wrong was she to think that today was going to turn out better than expected.

As i was making my way to my destination through the hallway, i heard a bang, like something was being thrown at the lockers. I stopped in my tracks and analyzed my surroundings. Some duchey fratt boy had another guy pinned up against the lockers. He held him by his collar and had his fist inches away from his face, readied to throw punches at any given second.

"You're disgusting! No wonder you're parents kicked you out." Said the fratt boy throwing his first punch straight at his victims eye.
The guy pinned to the lockers winced in pain but didn't open his mouth. He tries to wiggle free out of the jocks hands, but then came the second and third punches, and the locker behind him had started to bend inwards under his back.

I couldn't just stand there and watch any longer, I've had enough of this. I had witnessed my fair share of abuse through my teen years, and it was an extremely sensitive matter to me. No one deserves to be picked on or bullied for any reason. I wasn't going to tolerate this bullshit any longer.

She made her way towards the bully and stepped between him and the victim.

^Landons POV^
"Hold my pit-bull, shits' about to go down" said a feminine raspy delicate voice. I turned to see "passionfruit" standing in between Josh Anders, aka number one egoistic, self-centered dickhead of a douche bag to ever exist, and another boy whose name i... don't know.

_ "Back away from the boy" she said in a freakishly scary calm voice, void filling her eyes and her still, poker face turned hard as stone.

_ "huh" puffed Josh "and what's pretty girl like you gonna do about it huh?... are you gonna slap me like the bitch you are?!"

My eyes narrowed at his choice of words, but then i felt a rush of excitement and curiosity rush through me. "Passionfruit" had punched Josh square in the jaw, once, twice and then once in the stomach as he stumbled backwards against the lockers.

_ "Now run along! I don't want to see your pathetic face anymore understood!?" she said, accentuating the word pathetic.

_ "You slut! You're gonna pay for this" he hissed, clearly in pain. Then he threw a quick strong punch in her direction, which she dodged effortlessly.

_ "Wrong answer you piece of shit" was perhaps the last thing he heard, the a sickening crack sounded through the empty hall as he collapsed to the floor, blood rushing out his nose.
That was... intense, and intriguing. So easily yet so swiftly, she had managed to take down the huge jock in four punches. He was around twice her size and was an athlete. She had definitely been trained.

_ "That was hot!" exclaimed Justus rubbing the back of his neck and grinning sheepishly.

I just stood there, and zoned off for a few seconds.

_ "She must be trained tho" he said.

_ "i thought so too. Think she's apart of something?" I say.

_ " I don't know if she's apart of something, but she's definitely involved in something shady..."

Woah... well that was an intense chapter wasn't it ;)
What did Heaven mean when she said she had witnessed her fair share of abuse?
What are Landon and Justus talking about? Could she be apart of what exactly?
Find out in the next chapter of "Heartstrings!"

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