Chapter 19

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                          Sword of words
*Heaven's POV*
I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had an open cut on my left cheekbone, but the blood around it had already dried.

I was livid, and all I saw was the color red in my eyes. My raw hands were shaking and bloodied. I washed my face and took a few deep breathes. I rubbed my hands with the anti-inflammatory cream I always carry around (if you still remember respect to you)after cleaning my wounds with some anti-septic, then changed into the clubbing outfit I had packed with me in my bag. I was not in the mood for partying. Not at all. But if I were to turn down the invite, they would definitely  start suspecting something was up. I mean they already have a hint I'm involved in something shady.

I collect my money and head out, fixing my hair and makeup in the cab. I finally reach the club.

^Landon's POV^
Athena and Alex have been dancing for two hours now. Justus has been drinking for two hours, and even I took a shot myself as this place has me losing my mind. I look at Justus who doesn't look sober enough to care for himself. So I made my way to the dance floor to tell Athena and Alex I was going out for a smoke, and asked them to keep an eye on him.

As I reach the second Sullivan, Athena takes me by the hands and forces me to dance. "Come on, loosen up a bit will ya" she says. I break out of her grasp and yell over the pounding music: _"I'm going out for a smoke, keep an eye on your brother...will ya"

_ "yeah, yeah. Oh and by the way. Heaven should be on her way. Be a darling and meet up with her" she says.

I brace myself and push through the sweaty, dancing people.
When I finally got past the drunken crowd, I headed to the corner of the street, desperately trying to get away from the deafening music.

I light my cigarette, and watch as the smoke mix with the vapor produced by the glacial night. Suddenly, the clacking of heels echo from across the empty street.

As I raise my eyes, I embrace a slender, hourglass silhouette in a short shiny black leather skirt and a black top which was extremely revealing and showed much cleavage. Draped over her shoulders was an oversized denim jacket under which her passionfruit hair was tugged into. She looked fierce and prepossessing.

(Heaven's outfit)

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(Heaven's outfit)

_ "Hey there stranger" said Heaven, her voice sounding sultry. "Mind if I join?"
I just moved over. She took a cigarette and lit it. The only thing I found odd at that moment, was that she was enjoying the cigarette more than she usually did. Like she needed it. Like she had been longing for it.

*Heaven's POV*
I got out of the cab and crossed the street, heading towards the club. I noticed a tall muscular figure leaning against the wall taking sips from the cigarette in his hand. He was wearing his signature leather jacket, and slightly ripped black jeans. His hair was as usual adorably floppy and he seemed so unbothered standing there.

 His hair was as usual adorably floppy and he seemed so unbothered standing there

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(Couldn't really find a fitting image but here's Landon's outfit)

^Landon's POV^
As a car passed by, illuminating the street, I noticed weird blotches on Heaven's body and face. At first I thought it might have been smudged makeup, but then I truly understood.

Bruises and scratches. Heaven was covered in bruises and scratches. Her chest, shoulder, cheekbone, even her ear had some dried blood on it.
_ "H-Heaven what happened to you?" I asked.

She looks at me quizzically before I motion at her injuries. Instinctively, she wraps her jacket tighter around her small body.

_ "It's nothing, I- I just had a shelf fall on me today." She said.

I let out a chuckle. "You think I'm an imbecile!? Heaven you look like you have been beaten up or been in a figh-... Show me your hands" I order her. Only her hands could tell me if she had been in a fight or not.
She shoves her hands deeper into the pockets of her denim jacket. "Heaven show me your hands!" My tone raises.

I pull both her hands out of her pockets vulgarly. Her knuckles were bruised and ripped open. I look at her in disbelief. I felt a wave of disappointment and anger wash over me. Did she not trust us enough, is she scared of something, is she in danger? Who did this to her...

_ "Heaven what have you gotten yourself into"

_ "Its nothing just stay out of my business" her tone hardens, and the words sounded like poison coming out of her mouth.

The rest of the gang approaches Landon and Heaven

*Heaven's POV*
_ "I knew you were involved in something shady. I felt it from the start that you're trouble" his words cut through me. "From the very first day when you took down Josh in a perfect spot where no security cameras were placed, to your sudden disappearances and phony excuses. All of it!" He was practically yelling at me. Tears sting my eyes, and through my blurry vision I see Athena, Alex, and Justus approach us.

_ "if your so meticulous and seem to notice my every move how do I know you're not up to something huh!?" I let out a sob "you seemed to notice that the place I knocked out Josh was a blind zone when I haven't! It was a coincidence okay! You are the one who always notices I'm not around, you are the one trying to blame me, when you yourself keep on acting shady. You keep on pushing me to justify my actions, choices and being, while I have to sit and wonder what the hell you guys do for a living. So tell me Landon fucking King. How do I know that YOU aren't involved in anything shady?!"

Shit's going downn. Now that's tea. What will happen next? Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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