Chapter 42

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^Landon's POV^
My senses slowly started to wake up as a soft morning sun snuck through the open window. A fresh ocean breeze swept through the room, and I felt a warm presence by my side. Something soft and silky tickled my neck and wrapped around my face, engulfing me in a sweet coconut smell. My eyes flutter open to an immaculate Heaven in slumber. Her bronze locks fell over her delicate sleeping features as her long luscious lashes brushed over her rosy cheeks flecked with daisy freckles. Her tiny button nose occasionally scrunching up, as she held on to me tighter, and her florid full lips slightly fell open. My eyes travel down to her body, and I noticed she was disrobed, tangled in the white bedsheets. I quickly check myself, to find that I too, wasn't wearing any clothes. That's when the events of last night raced through my head.

What happened between Heaven and I yesterday, was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever experienced. The way her body felt against mine, the taste of her soft skin and plump lips, are now imprinted in my memory forever. Yesterday I had marked her, and made her mine, and only mine.

I hear my phone buzz on the night stand beside me. As soon as I unlocked my phone, I had noticed 43 missed calls from my mother. "Shit she's going to kill me" I whisper, before quickly jumping out of bed and throwing on a pair of camo short and a white tee.

 "Shit she's going to kill me" I whisper, before quickly jumping out of bed and throwing on a pair of camo short and a white tee

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I run through the door into the living room, only to be greeting by a pair of satanic twins evilly grinning at me.

_ "good morning Landy pie" says Athena, the grin plastered on her face resembling the cheshire cat's one.

_ "forgot to call your mother?" Continues on Justus.

_ "y-yeah, how'd you know?" I ask quizzically.
They both look behind their backs.

A tall man with brown eyes and dark umber hair stood there in a fancy suit.

_ "Uncle Javier?" I pose, "what are you doing here?"

_ "you weren't answering your madre's calls and so she sent me here to make sure you were okay hijo." He explains.

A door is heard opening from up stairs and an already dressed Heaven makes her way towards us. She was dressed in formal-ish cream pants and had a colorful handkerchief wrapped around her chest. She looks insanely irresistible in her summery outfit.

 She looks insanely irresistible in her summery outfit

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(Heaven's outfit)

*Heaven's POV*
As soon as I woke up, I could feel Landon was missing from beside me. I got out of bed, and as I made my way towards the door I heard an unfamiliar voice.
We must have visitors.

I slowly slipped out of Landon's room and quietly made my way into mine, changed my clothes and headed downstairs.

As soon as I got there, I took in an incredibly handsome man, around his forty's. He had a dark complexion, and stood in a suit near the balcony. Justus and Athena had questionable smirks on both their faces.

_ "quien es este?" Asks the man.
(Who is this?)

_ "Yo soy Heavenly Knight señor, y tú lo eres..?" I reply, and he gives me a slightly baffled look, before masking his features with a stoic expression. (I am Heavenly Knight sir, and you are?)

_ "Uncle Javier, this is Heaven my umm... " he fumble for words.

_ "teammate" I quickly cut in, side eyeing Landon, hoping he would get the hint.

_ "my teammate.. uh um, Heaven... yes. Heaven, this is my aunt Maria's Husband. Javier Hernández. My cousin Santino's father. I don't know if you've met him, he's the one with bleached hair and blue eyes..." resumes Landon.

_ "oh yes, I've had the pleasure of meeting him" I utter sarcastically, "Encantada de conocerte Señor Hernández"
(Nice to meet you Mr.Hernández)

_ "the pleasure is all mine hermosa. And please, call me Javier. We are practically family after all" he smirks at me.

Athena and Justus burst into laughter, as they stumble to the ground and start rolling around clutching their stomachs.

_ "dios mio! They told you already didn't they!?" Retorts Landon.

_ "si, indeed they have" his strong Latino accent accentuating each word.

~Athena's POV~
After the little introduction was over, and Justus and I finished rolling around and laughing our asses off, the boys left to explain the plan to Javier, and Heaven and I decided to prepare lunch for everyone. After debating what we should make... we finally decided to muster up some Pambazos, and make Churros for dessert. While Heaven started to prep, I decided to have my fun.

_ "soo... did you sleep well?" I hinted.

_ "hm?" Was Heaven's confused response.

_ "did you sleep well? Coz I couldn't get a blink of sleep last night" I continue beating around the bush.
Heaven almost cut off her finger, as she got all flustered and became fidgety.

_ "w-wha-what!? Whatdoyoumean..." she mumbled.

_ "ya know exactly what I mean bitch. S.P.I.L.L." I urge.

_ "no"

_ "what!? Whyyy!!"

_ "Athena. No."

_ "w-why- "

_ "NO! End of discussion. I'm not going to talk to you about my sex life." Her tone hardens, then she rolls her eyes.

_ "party pooper. Was it at good at least ? I've heard he's a beast in bed... but you know I would never know since that would be weird since I consider him a brother and have known him for a v-"

_ "Athena stop blabbering. And if you must know... y-yes, it was good... But that's not what matters! I have something more important to tell you." She says.

_ "I sense teaa. Spill"

The rest of the cook, Heaven told me about how Landon accidentally said he loved her while arguing with his father, and that she said it back last night which led to them making love. Yayy my stubborn babies finally admit their feelings!

_ "My god bruh. That's so cool, I'm really happy fro y'all, truly. Speaking of this kind of moments..." I begin

_ "Athenaa... anything you'd like to share?"

I tell her about what had happened between Silas and I, and got a reaction I never expected. She got so excited and happy, she almost stabbed me with a knife... I have the bestest friend.

And just like that, we had finished preparing lunch. We hadn't even noticed it, as we conversed all the way through it. We called the boys to the table and had the scrumptious lunch Heaven and I prepared.

The rest of the day consisted of planning for tomorrows mission, and we went to the beach at sunset. Then we all went to bed early, as a long day was waiting for us the next morning.

Hey loves! Sorry this chapter was short and useless, I just needed a smooth transition to  chapter 43 and 44, which will be much more important.
Hope you're enjoying so far.
Find out what will happen during the mission in the next chapters of Heartstrings!

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