Chapter 26

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Another Party
~Athena's POV~
This week has been showing progress. Heaven forgave us and started hanging out with us again, and Landon stopped ignoring us and sometimes sticked around. It was no longer only Alex, Justus, and I. It was the 5 of us, only... Hell and London still weren't talking to each other. Ughhh... it's killing both me and them. I see the way they look at each other, I see the hunger in their eyes, and the desire to talk to one another. They are also always eye fucking each other. Like bitches, get a room already.

Anyways, it is currently Saturday 7:30 P.M. Heaven is already here. Alex couldn't make it as he had a shift to work, but said he could possibly join us later.

_ "okay so I already chose an outfit yesterday night, because I was bored out of my mind." I walk out of the closet holding my outfit. "Since it's already spring, I could wear something lighter, and since it was a house party I wanted it to be kinda casual yet super bomb because, well... it's my party too after all. So I chose some light jeans, snake skin patterened blouse and some basic black heels." I explain to my friend who was sprawled out on my bed.

" I explain to my friend who was sprawled out on my bed

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(Athena's outfit)
_ "Aw ma gawddd... Are you a parking ticket? Cause you just got FINE written all over you." Heaven joked.

_ "oh my god, this is one of the cheesiest pickup lines I've ever heard" I snort. "Now pick out your outfit while I do my hair and makeup. Everyone's gonna be here soon, so move your cute butt."
After I finish caking my face and curling my hair I went back into my room only to find Heaven all set and ready. "Damn gurl, you're quick. Also, do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?"

_ "okay no... mine was better. Ew." We both laugh.

(Heaven's outfit)Soon enough the people started rushing in, the music got louder, the drinks multiplied

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(Heaven's outfit)
Soon enough the people started rushing in, the music got louder, the drinks multiplied. Heaven and I decided to make the most of the night, so we drank and danced, boys started throwing themselves at us, like, ALOT of them, but none caught our eye, until...

*Heaven's POV*
Athena and i decided to sit on the couch and chat a bit while drinking some wine. Two men approached us. One of them was a tall brunette, with curly brown hair and slender brown eyes. He had a chiseled face and a strong nose (a strong nose is one with a bump for those who don't know).

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