Chapter 12

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                         Smoke and chances
*Heaven's POV*
The day had finally ended, i shoved my books into the locker, slamming it shut behind me, then headed to the parking lot where i would meet Alex. As soon as i was out of the building, i lit a cigarette and waited for Alex. Not more then a few minutes later, the tanned boy had finally exited the building and headed towards me.

_ "you ready to go?" He asked.

I threw the lit cigarette on the floor and stepped on it, turning it off. He turned and started walking towards the main road.

_ "wait... we're walking?" I asked.

_ "uh... y_yeah... i hope you don't mind, it's just that I wasn't able to make enough money to buy myself a car yet" he answered hesitantly.

I didn't ask any further questions.
By the change in his tone and the cloudiness in his eyes as well as him shifting from one leg to another awkwardly, i could tell this was a sensitive topic and so I didn't push him further. Instead i asked:

_ "have you ever ridden on a motorcycle before?"

^Landon's POV^
_ "THE AUDACITY SHE HAS TO CALL ME LONDON! WHO THE HELL DOES THIS FUCKING GIRL THINK SHE IS!" I yelled slamming my hand hard against my locker, in the boys locker room. The clangour echoed through the empty space.

_ "dude you need to calm down" told me Justus. "Don't let it get to you. And also remember you weren't exactly the kindest towards her and it was the first time you spoke. You attacked her, so you were basically asking for it. And you should have seen it coming from the whole, you know, fight earlier today, and the way she wasn't affected by my flirting skills."

I was furious, but he had a point. I wouldn't tell him of-course, his head would only get bigger... if that's even possible. I rolled my eyes and said "douche"

_ "yeah yeah, now come on, and get changed. You can blow off that steam on the field."

He passed by me and patted me on my back. I changed into my rugby uniform and got out on the field. I was still mad, better yet furious, enraged, livid, FUMING, BOILING, to the point I didn't even notice the cheerleaders gawking at me. For the first time in my entire time attending school and college, I didn't give a damn that naive and dumb girls were giving me all their attention, which i clearly wasn't returning.

~Athena's POV~
I sat on the bleachers, staring at the dumb twits shaking their asses on the field. I took a drag of my cigarette and sank deeper into my wool jacket. Justus had just gone out on the field and about 7 girls flocked around him already. So desperate. Ugh it was retching watching my brother surrounded by so many girls, but i got used to it. I haven't met a single person in this college yet who was normal. It was either some nerdy genius, i mean no offense to them its just that we definitely don't share same interests, pricy princesses, the desperate naive i want it i got it bitches (ariana grande reference ;p), some high ass 24/7 drunken chicks, i mean i smoke but no weed for me (kids don't do drugs), or the paranoid reserved cry babies. That until i met Heaven, she's... something else, nicely said. I only had one girl friend before, and that was Precsilla. She was awesome, but unfortunately had to move away to China as her mother, who is Chinese, was offered a huge job opportunity there, and as she was planning to continue her studies there either ways. Consequently, i was left stuck with Justus and Landon, always was, always will be. They are inseparable, and even though it may not always seem so, they are like brothers, and they consider themselves to be so, and i have learned to love Landon as my brother too. I had to, since we knew each other since the day we were born, our fathers were best friends.
I snapped out of my trans as Landon walked out on the field. He stomped across it like a mad bull, ignoring all the cheerleaders, then he kicked one of the balls and it accidentally hit Chloe, the major bitch, popular diva, basically the girl you do not want to be around. Hah! Well that's a first. It was priceless. Heaven got him so worked up, that he even turned down any source of attention from any of the girls, and he knocked Chloe out! I was cracking up. I literally love Heaven. We were BOUND to be friends, it's like god sent me Heaven as a replacement for Precsilla.

*Heaven's POV*
I dragged Alex to where my bike was parked. From under the seat, i took out two helmets for him and I.

_ "hold on to me and don't let go, if you do as i say you should be fine, but please don't make it awkward."
I hand him the helmet, and put on my own, then i sat on my motorcycle and motioned for him to do so aswell. I noticed we received a few weird glances and stares here and there, but I didn't care. I learned not to care too much about what people have to say about me, because society can never be satisfied. No matter what you do you'll be judged. If you don't have a fit figure, then you're fat, if you're fit and healthy, you are showing off and shaming other body types, if you're skinny, you're anorexic and have eating disorders. If you put on makeup and dress fashionably you're a whore, if you don't, you are inconsiderate and reserved. If you dress revealing, you're a slut. If you wear modest clothes you're paranoid, conservative... you get my point. And so I couldn't judge Alex before getting to know him, and that's exactly what i was doing.
What did Athena mean when she said her and Landons father were best friends?
What's Alex's story, and what part does he play in this story?
Find out in the next chapter of "Heartstrings!"
Sorry for this horrible and useless chapter! Love ya<3

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