Chapter 5

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Biker boy
^Landon's POV^
I arrived to the college parking lot where I stationed my motorcycle next to another guys's. Honestly, I was impressed, I wasn't the only person with a bike at this college. I mean sure the rich kids had their expensive sports cars, t had mine too, but today I wanted to make an entrance, and thus the bike. However, the biker parked next to me had already stolen the show. About 200 students or more oggled the unknown figure beside me. I was intrigued, yet pissed. Who was this person? Suddenly, a subtle breeze swept past me, carrying a familiar sweet and spicy fragrance. As I scanned my surroundings, I noticed the college attendees' eyes widen in shock, still fixated on the biker near me. I followed their gaze just in time to capture the moment...

The mysterious persona near me had finally taken off their helmet. Passionfruit hair...

Passionfruit hair gracefully poured out of the casket as the same breeze that carried her fragrance disheveled her already quite messy hair. I had the honor of having front row tickets to the show. Her face. Again she wore no make up as the last time we met, except for the wingy things on her eyelids that made her eyes look more sly. Her pixy dust freckles scattered along her face accentuating the gold of her eyes. Magnificent. I watched as one of the rich kids approached her, stunned but had a mischievous grin on his stupid face:

_ "hey there" he smiled at her coyly.

Oh hohoh this was going to be fun.

_ "what's your name sweet-cheeks?" he proceeding coming closer to her.
She reached her hand out, pressing a finger to his forehead, pushing him away from her:

_ "none of your business sugar plum" she said with a mocking grin, as she performed her signature eye roll and stomped away. I chuckled at his butthurt face. He gave me a poisonous glare then dragged himself back to his "Pricy Princes Premiere". This time, the girls seemed jealous, while the boys's jaws dropped to the floor.

"Damn that body" I thought.

_ "Hot spicy mama!" Hollered a voice behind me. A voice I unfortunately knew all too well.

_ "Justus" I greeted, my back turned to him.

_ " Landon" the voice replied.

Things are getting interesting, no?
What's up with all those encounters?
Who's Justus?
Find out in the next chapters of "heartstrings"

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