Chapter 21

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                              Alex's Bday
▪️Alex's POV▪️
_ "mmmm Heaven!! This tart is sooo mother trucking gooood" moaned Athena, stuffing her mouth with Heaven's masterpiece. "You know who else cooks well? Landon..." she continues, raising an eyebrow Heaven's way.

_ "Did i ask you?" Berates Heaven annoyed.

_ "Bitch it's payback for making me fat... can I live with you tho? I could live off these cakes!" Athena proceeds her eating.

_ "sure"

_ "Oh I already know you can't live without me." She boasts, receiving an eye-roll from Heavenly.

_ "Heaven you gotta make my birthday cake" I finally intervene, helping myself with another slice. "Speaking of birthdayss... I got lucky this year, my birthday's on a Saturday. You're all invited over to my place at 8. You can't turn down my offer. Otherwise I will be lonely on my special day and you don't want that now do you?"

_ "If Heaven's making the cake I'm in. You really did get lucky, it's on a Saturday and a week away from exams! If your mother waited one more week you'd be celebrating in class." Athena said as she continued stuffing her face with the berry tart.

_ "I can't turn you down. What kind of best friend would I be?" said Heaven.

_ "awww you're actually expressing emotionss. Last time I've seen that happen was three weeks ago when you and Landon fought." I utter, immediately regretting it.

_ "Thanks for reminding me I made a complete fool of myself." she mutters and rolls her eyes.

_ "you know I still can't believe you're an illegal fighter. I mean he was basically right. I'm not on his side or anything, but I guess if you tell him, you could actually sort your shit out. I mean we all know except for him. Don't you think he deserves to know?" I continue.
Heaven takes a bowl of berries off the table and walks away saying the words "Not today satan".

_ "you know where the exit is" were her last words before she slams the door to her room.

_ "Just know that black is not allowed on my birthday... I wanna see your gothic ass in colorful clothes. The theme is pride so you know what to do." I scream before Athena and I exit Heaven's house.

•Justus's POV•
It's already Saturday, and Alex's birthday. Standing before Alex's apartment Landon looked at me unamused and asked:
_"Why did I agree to this again?"

_ "Because Alex is our friend and that's the right thing to do, we gon have fun and chill, maybe even drink."

_ "You know who's Alex's friend too? Heaven." he nags.

I knock on the door.

_ "too late to back away now buddy"
Alex opens the door and bursts into laughter, Athena peeps from behind him and starts laughing too. I looked at Landon who had a "what have I done wrong to deserve this?" expression on his face.

_ "What?" I ask, but they only laugh harder. Heaven peeks from behind the two psychos then emits a soft laugh before covering her mouth to hide her smile. I look at Landon once again. His expression had changed. It had softened and his eyes twinkled as a faint blush spread across his face. She then noticed him, and backed away.

_ "Are you seriously wearing a shirt that says sugar daddy on it?" says Athena in between her laughs.

(Justus's outfit)

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(Justus's outfit)

_ "so what?" I say.

_ "honey you look like you could be the youngest among us" joins in Alex as he catches his breath. "And you broke the dress code, I said no black. I honestly thought either Heaven or Landon would wear black. Turns out I was wrong... Anyways come in!"

_ "Am I supposed to take off my pants now?" I ask sarcastically.
A faint "god... please no!" Is heard from inside.

_ "we all know you want to see it Heaven" I yell. "And I do not look like the youngest among you, I'm the second eldest"

_ "yeah.. in your dreams Justus" she replies entering the room

_ "damn.. why you gotta be so hard on me babe" I pretend to be hurt, placing a hand to my heart. Then I look at Landon to check his expression after I called Heaven "babe". He's got a poker face on. We enter the apartment and I hand Alex his gift. Athena and Alex were messing about, singing and chatting loudly. Heaven disappeared. Landon sat in a corner and looked into his phone. I went up to Alex and Athena and asked: "where's Heaven?"

_ "she's in the kitchen making the cake" replied Athena.

_ "Great, so is the plan still in action?"

_ "um duh" says Alex.

_ "btw, what are you wearing Athena!? You look like a farmers grandmother" I ask disgusted.

_ "shut up bitch her outfit is cute!" Defends Alex.

_ "At least I'm not wearing a shirt that says "sugar daddy" on it!" she shoots back.

(Athena's outfit)

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(Athena's outfit)

Alex and I join Heaven in the kitchen, while Athena goes to talk to Landon.

~Athena's POV~
_ "hey Landon..." I start, trying to sound uncomfortable and shifting from one leg to another.

_ "what's up with you?" He asked harshly, his face scrunching up as he studied me.

_ "would you cut it with your attitude! I really need to go to the bathroom and Alex asked me to grab a bottle of red wine from the basement. Could you get it for me, I don't think I can hold it any longer."

_ "Save the details. What about him and Justus. Why can't they go get it?"

_ "Alex is helping Heaven with the cake and Justus is acting childish. I've been asking him to go down but he just won't budge. Please be a darling and fetch it will ya?"

_ "fine, where's the basement?"

_ "Down the corridor third door to the left. Thanks!" He stands up and starts walking. I dash the other way to the kitchen. And signal Alex, then run to the bathroom. I really had to pee, must be because of all that laughter.

▪️Alex's POV▪️
_ "Heaven" I whisper.
She looks at me and gives me a little nod in acknowledgment. "Could you be a darling and go get us a bottle of red wine from the basement. That way I can get a bit of alone time with Justus. You know what I'm saying" I wink at her.
(Everyone knows that Alex has a playful crush on Justus)
_ "sure" she says, shaking her head as she smiled. "Just keep an eye on the cake if you wanna have one by the end of tonight."

_ "k, thanks girl. It's the third door to the left down the corridor."

(Sorry for the boring chapter huns)
Huh... interesting...
What will happen next? "Find out in the next chapter of "Heartstrings!"

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