Chapter 15

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Drunken secrets

*Heaven's POV*
I decided to go by car with the rest of the team. Alex joined. I was most probably gonna get tipsy if not drunk, so I'd rather not risk my life on my motorcycle, even though I don't really have a purpose or anything to live up to...

^Landon's POV^
As soon as we got to the party, all eyes were on us, the iconic quintet.

Soon boys circled Athena and Heaven like hawks surrounding their preys. Justus tried to shoo them off of his sister, with no success as girls grabbed his arms from every direction, throwing themselves at him. I then felt several hands tugging at my own sleeves and running through my hair, even sliding under my shirt. Ahhh, this is heaven...

~Athena's POV~
We made our way away from the carnivorous vultures to the kitchen, filled with drunk horny "young adults". The whole place reeked of weed, alcohol and sweat. Heaven walked ahead of me, and once she reached the kitchen counter, she turned and offered me a devilish smile, then moved aside revealing a countertop crammed with shots. We each took about three shots, then grabbed a beer and headed to the living room where most of the partying took place.
I could already tell i was drunk, but I didn't mind. That's the reason i came here after all. Yet i could still feel Landon and Justus's protective eyes monitoring our every step. A few beers later, my head spun and my vision got blurry. I felt as if I were floating on a cloud. The alcohol had really gotten to me, as i danced my ass off and dropped it lowwww. Yeahehzz. Then some guy came up to me and started dancing around me, and for some reason, I just grinded on him. I was free.

^Landon's POV^
Justus and i came up to the table Athena had stood up on and stripped her top off. Justus was not happy and had went to take care of her. I took a glance around, as to find Heaven.

She had been sitting on a stool, sipping beer. She looked effortlessly beautiful, just sitting there. I watched as a guy tried to approach her. She let him lessen the distance between them as he leaned in for a kiss. He was trashed.
Just as their lips were about to meet, she swiftly dogged his kiss and he crashed to the floor. This dude was drunk af. I came up to her, not exactly knowing why.

_ " I see you handle your alcohol well" I said "quite an immunity you have there"

_ "years of experience my friend" she said, holding her bottle up. "You don't seem drunk at all" she said. I was surprised she noticed. She may have not been drunk yet she was still tipsy. She had taken three shots and is now drinking her fourth bottle of beer, and she still managed to remark that I haven't been drinking.

_ "yeah, I don't drink...usually"

_ "cool"

_ "hey guys, imma take Athena to the roof a-bit for some fresh air, if you need anything you know where to find us." Intervened Justus, carrying a very talkative and flirty Athena in his arms.

*Heaven's POV*
Just as Justus  headed to the roof with a drunken Athena in his arms, a pretty girl with, dyed blond hair, a big butt and huge boobs came up to Landon and started unshamefully flirting with him and slipped her hands under his hoodie. How I wanted to do th_.
...What the hell do i keep saying!? It must be frustration... yeah! I must have been frustrated. Anyways, things started to get weird, so i decided to head out.

_ "hey Landon, imma go up to the roof as-well" I said. All I got was a hand gesture in return as I couldn't see his face, due to the "blond" grinding on him.

^Landon's POV^
After Melanie (the blond bish) came on to me, everything kinda seemed like a blur. She had buried my face in her chest and drowned me in her hair. She gave out a a scent of, unlike a familiar sweet and spicy one, weed and alcohol. She then pressed her artificially plump lips on mine. I tasted the beer lingering on her tongue.

As soon as we came up for air, we were already in a bedroom. Even though the whole reason i came here was to get laid, I wasn't really feeling it, must be Melanie... she isn't my type. A short while later, I put on my hoodie, which had been taken off of me and went up to the roof, leaving a whiny slut alone in the room.

Justus and Athena were sitting on the floor, huddled under a blanket. Heaven was standing near them, smoking a cigarette while conversing with the twins. She had specks of shimmery silver snow sprinkled on top of her passionfruit hair.

*Heaven's POV*
_ "There's the lucky boy!" Exclaimed Justus hiccuping. I looked over my shoulder. Landon had peeked through the roof's door. As he joined us, his dark brown hair seemed black in the cold winter night. White snow dotted his cheuvelure painting a starry night on his dark canvas (hair). He didn't say a word.

_ "You know, I think I'm bisexual" mumbled Athena. Everyone turned and looked at her shocked. She hiccuped then laughed, "I'm kidding, I just w-wanted to get your at-attention" She blabbered. "Hey Heaven you know why we live alone?"

_ "Athena shut it" seethed Landon.

_ "oh shhhh" She continued after rolling her eyes and waving her hand at him, as if he were a fly, "Our parents were killed when J-Justus and I were only 14, and since Landons parents where really close friends of our own, they were kind enough to take us in" she said, ending the sentence with a yawn.

_ "yeah, and also i fuck around with girls and don't do serious relationships anymore because the only girl I've ever loved broke my heart." Started Justus. "We had been dating for two years already. I was 17 and she was 16 when we found out she was pregnant. I wasn't ready to become a father yet, but I wouldn't have backed out of the baby's life even if she wanted me to. I was even excited at the thought of becoming a dad. A week later, i found some papers in a drawer in her room, which showed the DNA test results of the baby. As i read through them, I realized it wasn't mine. This shattered me, and so I don't do feelings anymore. It's a one night stand thing now." He said.

_ "Justus how much have you drank?" Asked Landon, a wild expression on his face as if he wasn't expecting his friend to share such a secret.

_ "Just half a bottle of whiskey why?" He answered, revealing a half empty bottle in his hand. He too was buzzed. "Now it's your turn to share something with us Heaven!" He continued staring expectantly at me.

_ "umm... i have a brother?"

_ "ppfff not interesting! We told you some of our deepest secrets, now it's your turn" huffed Justus.

^Landon's POV^
She took a sharp, shaky breath and shut her eyes for a second. Then started:

_ "My mother died when I was 13. That's when my problems started, 6 years ago." She took another deep breath, and i came closer to her and offered her a reassuring smile, she offered me one back. We then sat and she resumed: "She died in a fire. Our house caught fire one night when my father had only came back from work. He managed to save my brother and i, but was unfortunately too late to save my mother. After that he kept on blaming himself for her death and suffered from severe depression. He started doing drugs and drank in order to soothe the pain. He became a monster. He stopped taking care of my brother and I, spent all his money on drugs and alcohol and developed anger issues, although he didn't physically abuse us too often, the whole situation still managed to shake my brother and I up." She regained her composure, and the hurt and pain in her eyes vanished into coldness once again. "Worst part is that he got my brother addicted to drugs too. I run away every summer ever since, then received a beating when i come back for school, or college now. I can't leave because he's not supporting me financially anymore, so i had to stay here since i got a full scholarship at USBH, and because I don't want to leave my brother. But I'm now... working... to become somewhat financially stable and move out." She exhaled and ended with the words "i said too much"

_ "it's okay to show emotions Heaven, especially when you're with us" Athena said. I could feel all the anger, pain, embarrassment locked up inside of her. One day she will crack if she keeps pushing her emotions back and not opening up. She replied by shaking her head and saying, "we should probably head out"

Landon then drove them all back the the Sullivans' place where they would crash.
Huh. So we finally got to know more about them all except for Landon. What will happen next? How is Heaven supporting herself financially?"
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"
Sorry for this horrible narration btw. I'm just trying to summarize my ideas, because otherwise it'll be a long ass story.

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