Chapter 29

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                            Best Friends
*Heaven's POV*
It has been two weeks since the get together at the Sullivan's, two weeks since the Underground burned down, and two weeks since Landon and I resolved our problems. Him and I have became practically inseparable ever since and really... close. He was no longer closed off... well not as much as he used to be. We also came to acknowledge the fact that we share a-lot of similar opinions, traits, habits and interests.
As for The Underground, it was burned down by a group of angry bidders who were constantly loosing their money in there. They were caught by the police and placed in prison for 15 years for arson and illegal activities.
As for me, I had been searching for a job none stop. It has been hard since I haven't finished my studies yet, so I couldn't quite get myself a high paying, respectful job... others payed a minimum wage that wouldn't suffice my college tuition and rent. Although I have applied for some internships at several law enterprises, I was thinking of actually moving in with the twins. I have been adjourning it for as long as possible, because I didn't want to burden them. But I think at the moment, it's actually the best choice.

Silas ruffled Justus's hair, and whispered something in Athena's ear as he took his place beside her, parallel to Landon, sitting on my left, Alex, sitting on my right, and I. Athena blushed and giggled then slapped the back of Silas's head.

_ "You guys give me diabetes. Get a room already." Barfs Alex.

_ "NO! Don't encourage them!" exclaimed Justus then leaned over and glared at Silas, who was grinning goofily back at him. "No.." repeated Justus narrowing his eyes.

_ "Oh trust me, they are not waiting for your approval. If they did, they wouldn't be fu-" I start.

_ "Please don't continue" interrupts Justus desperately, as he stands up and heads to the buffet, mumbling indecipherable words under his breath. We all laugh.
Oh... have I mentioned Athena and Silas have been fuck buddies ever since they met that night at the party? He has also been hanging out with us from hence forth.

As Athena got busy snickering with Justus as soon as he came back, and Alex and Silas listened and laughed, Landon asked me:
_ "we still on for tonight? 9 at the Local Bar?"

_ "yeah, I just have volley practice. I end at 8, so it will take me around an hour and a half to get home, change, shower and everything else... I guess 9:30 will be more fitting than 9." I answer.

_ " 9: 30 it is. I'll pick you up then, don't make me wait too long..." He pokes me in the ribs. "Anyways I gotta go to class. I have Economics now, see ya tonight." He squishes my face as he passes behind me, and runs off to class.

Fast forward 8 PM.
(Still from Heaven's POV)

I have been on the universities volleyball team since The Underground burned down. I needed to control my emotions in some way... so why not do it by slamming a ball into people's faces. I adapted rather quick, as I used to play for my schools' team, but also because I have rather strong arms from all the boxing.

_ "Training's over everyone. Good-work today, you may all leave except for Heaven and Ruth. Please come over." says coach Mendes.
Ruth and I head over to the coach.

_ "What's up coach?" I pant, wiping the sweat off my forehead.

_ "We have a game in a week, and since you two are new here, I will need your clothing sizes so that I can get you matching jerseys along with the rest of the team. Also I wanted to ask you to..."
Coach ended up explaining and asking us for things for another half an hour. As I made my way out of the gymnasium, I check the time. 8:35. I then text Landon that I was gonna be late: "Hey bitch, I'm running late, coach kept us an extra half an hour to talk about our game next week. You go ahead, I'll meet you there in 1" andd... send. 

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