Chapter 41

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Quick note: this chapter is about Athena and Silas strictly, just to give you an insight on their relationship and introduce you better to Silas. The next chapters will continue on in their regular order!

~Athena's POV~
As I lay on the grass waiting for him to arrive, I take in the scintillating stars that twinkled above me like a thousands fireflies igniting the sky. The midnight dark canvas was streaked with hints of breathtaking amethyst and sapphire, as the soft rustling of the leaves lulled any remanence of daylight to sleep. Crackling of the crisp autumn leaves scattered along the grass was heard, as gentle footsteps became distinguished.

A tall muscular silhouette appeared in the darkness of this sphinx like night. There he was all mysterious and godly. His colossal figure towered over mine, as I erected off the grass. His droopy curly hair fell over those hypnotizing cat like emeralds he called eyes.

_ "Silas... you're late" I retort.

_ "sorry darling, hope I didn't make you wait too long. I just had to quickly get something on my way here." He justifies, making a bouquet of bordeaux roses appear from behind his back.
This little yet sweet gesture couldn't allow me to be mad at him, although he still had a-lot of explaining to do.

Silas and I had a complicated relationship ever since we met. I'm not quite sure what it was. Whatever is going on between us had escalated from a one night stand, to a friendship, to having a friends with benefits affair, to this unfamiliar feeling I would call lust. It's like whenever I see him I get this tingly sensation in the pit of my stomach, a mixture of nervousness and ... something I'm unfamiliar with. If you have been reading this story, you should know by now that I usually don't give a flying hippos fuck about anyone or anything other than my group of friends. Aka I am never nervous around anyone, or under any circumstance... Could I be crushing on him? Possibly.

Nevertheless, as I mentioned previously, Silas is a mysterious, better yet shady guy. He is also an arrogant prick and an utter ass. Well... not always, he can be sweet as you witnessed, but he is, most of the time... an arrogant ass. Why? Allow me to elaborate:

We sleep together once...then he ignores me or goes missing for about a week. Then he comes back and acts all weird, before apologizing. Everything goes back to normal once again... until we share some kind of physical contact, or have a deep conversation where he usually shuts me out and turns defensive. After that, he goes back to disregarding me... and the same shit happens again and again. It's like we're stuck in a loop.

Usually, in such situations, I would just up and walk away. But with Silas... there's just something about him that just keeps me patient and hopeful.

_ "you know the roses won't change a thing if you won't talk... you mind explaining why you keep ignoring me and disappearing?" I deadpan.

_ "well... um, you see." He fumbles.

_ "yeaahh... go onnn..."

_ "I've been spending a lot of time with Clyde... s-since h-he uhh... ummm, he's still looking for a uh um a job after t-th-the Underground burned dow-n, a-and he's s-still recovering from h-hi-his heartbreak af-after Heaven b-broke things o-off wi-with hi-" he stutters. Silas sucks at speaking about himself and his feelings. He is also horrible at lying.

_ "Silas use your goddamn words!" My restraint was running out.

_ "YOU KNOW WHAT!?" He begins to raise his voice. I shoot him an excruciating stare and his tone lowers back to normal, but in it you could still hear the rage and unsteadiness. "I don't have to explain myself. I don't have to explain anything to you!"

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