Chapter 40

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Calm before the storm

*Heaven's POV*
I stand on the balcony of my room, staring at the firey orb sinking into the oceans' horizon. The afternoon sky was painted in different shades of vibrant reds, oranges and pinks setting the few clouds in sight ablaze. The sight of these effervescent colors brought back images of my mother. She was a truly beautiful, bubbly and fiery person, and those shades and the Mexican aura portrayed her perfectly.

A subtle knock is heard from my door. Justus and Landon peek their heads through, and offer me cheesy smiles. I return them a skeptical look and permit them to enter. They quickly shut the door behind them.

_ "what brings you to my room?" I ask them before making a weird face, not bothering to hide my skepticism. They grimace before continuing, seemingly out of breath.

_ "Athena. Is. Going. MAD" breathes Landon.

_ "She. Has. Been. Yelling. At. Us. For. An Hour. Now." Explains Justus.

_ "why? What's wro-"

Before I could continue my sentence, the door flies open, slamming against the wall, and a suitcase flies into my room, knocking a nightstand with a vase on it over. I managed to catch the vase.

Then, a satanic Athena storms into the room and starts slamming her head against a pillow.

Justus and Landon, slide down the wall, desperately trying not to be caught, before scrambling to their legs again and running out the door. "What in my name's happening?" I ask. (Get it... because her name is Heaven... okay I'll stop now...)

Athena sits up, and ties her wild disheveled hair into an even crazier bun then quietly squeaks: "I can't pick an outfit."

I giggled and said: "come on, let me help"

We spent the next hour picking both of our outfits, taking some pieces from my luggage, others from Athena's.

~Athena's POV~
After finally figuring out what we were going to wear and doing our hair and makeup, I headed down stairs, Heaven following close behind. She just needed to put her earrings on first. I take in my brother and best friend, both looking like snacks. My brother in a vintage, unbuttoned striped red blouse, light jeans with a thick black belt and some fancy jewelry.

 My brother in a vintage, unbuttoned striped red blouse, light jeans with a thick black belt and some fancy jewelry

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(Justus's outfit)
_ "ya see this is why we're twins." I wink at him. "looking good bro"

Although I don't express it, nor say it often, I truly love my brother more than anything in this world. He's my twin, my better half, my soulmate and the only family I have left. I can't even imagine loosing him, it would be a disaster. I hug him tight as he says:

_ "you do too but you ain't going out like this."

_ "like what?"

_ "in THESE clothes"

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