Chapter 11

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                             Fire and ice
^Landons' POV^
As soon as class ended, I eagerly got out of my seat and headed to the cafeteria, thankful fucking accounting is over. In the hallway i met up with Justus and headed to the cafeteria, where our third friend would probably have reserved a table for us by now. As we entered the lunch hall, Justus's eyes scanned the crowd, then he waved at someone and led me to our table. As we approached it, i noticed that there was one extra person sitting there. We usually are three ever since Precsilla moved away, but it seemed like today we'd be four.

_ "There's my favorite girlll!" Exclaimed Justus patting the persons' back.

_ "Justus... I'm literally the only girl you talk to, since I'm the only one you didn't fuck, and thats because I'm your sister" said Athena calmly.

We all laughed as Justus rolled his eyes and plopped into his seat. A sweet infectious laugh resounded in my ears. Justus sat next to the unexpected guest facing Athena, so i sat next to Athena. The fourth person was an attractive tanned girl, covered in freckles as if she was sprayed with pixie dust at birth (don't ask why i know about pixie dust), and had hypnotizing inferno eyes, which i could drown in like a pool of honey. Her short hair covered her face as she laughed, and it was of an unusual passio_...

_ "woah what is she doing here!?" I exclaimed, maybe sounding a bit harsher than expected.

_ "what crawled up your ass cabron?" (Cabron is a male goat in spanish, but this word is highly offensive in slang)

_ "well if it isn't the girl who beat Josh's ass! You'll get into trouble you know, he's the "golden boy"" intervened Justus.

_ "nah, I don't think he'll say a thing. I bet you he'd be too shy to admit a girl beat him to pulp. It would ruin his reputation. And since nobody saw what happened other than you and your friend, and the guy who was being bullied, no one else knows. So unless you tell, i'm fine." Explains Passionfruit.

_ "good point" says Justus.

_ "Well Justus, your hero here has a name, and since she'll be sitting with us for... um as long as i want her too, i sadly gotta introduce you to her." States Athena, she then continues: "Heaven, this is Justus my twin brother. Justus this is Heaven. Found this little rascal smoking in my spot, she threw some sass and so i decided she was the girl friend i was looking for... finally an alternative for pricy princesses."

Justus then reached for her hand and brought it close to his face. He was going to kiss her hand, typical. It was his signature move to have any girl at his feet. Passionfruit then quickly snatched her hand from his grip and said in cocky tone: "In your dreams, pretty boy" she then winked. Justus bit his lower lip, then ran his fingers through his hair:

_ "so you think im pretty?" He flirted, but she just flipped him off.
"fiesty, i like her"
Athena rolled her eyes before she continued:

_ "hah, you're never going to get her. Finally a friend who'll last... Moving on... this grumpy piece of shit here" she said pointing at me "is Landon, my brother and I's best friend since diapers... unfortunately. He's a little rough around the edges but you'll get used to him."

I rolled my eyes, then looked at her. She stared back. Her golden eyes specked with a fiery orange, held no emotion, it was like i was looking into an endless empty desert. And her face was as still as a windless summer night. Every second spent looking at her, i grew more intrigued. She has been hurt, and so she build her walls high and firm. I would know. But i still did not like her the slightest bit. She seemed shady, from the tattoos to the bike to the exotic hair color and the fight. Something was fishy. Also she's a prick. She then averted her gaze from mine, and joined in on the twins's conversation and so did I.

•Justus's POV•
As Heaven and Landon held each other's gaze, i whisper to my sister:

_ "the sexual tension is unbearable"

_ "tell me about it. Say something quick, break this tension for the love of god... it's suffocating me" she replies

_ "so dramatic" i roll my eyes. "So... Heaven... you like cheese?" Shit I'm so stupid... cheese seriously!?

She looked up at me, and i could of sworn i saw her smile for a split second.

_ " i like it with some wine" she winked at me... GOD she's so hot.

_ "so..." finally said Landon "you're an assassin or something"

_ "Landon you piece of shit! Don't scare her off!" Yelled Athena

_ "I don't think it'll be easy to scared her off" he replied, accentuating the word "her"

Heaven looked amused, she propped her elbows on the table and leaned forward: "what makes you think that?" She said in a low, husky, seductive voice. I could see Landon fidget in his seat, clearly not expecting such a reply.
He then straightened his posture and continued:

_ "Well, you picked a place where no surveillance cameras were hung" he said in an intimidating tone.

_ "coincidence" she replied unphased, looking at her long nails, painted black.

_ "you also haven't gotten into trouble yet" he pressed

_ "right place, right time i guess" she calmly said leaning forward even more.

_ "I have two classes with the jock, and there's no trace of your punches even though you knocked him out cold earlier" he continued, and unconsciously leaned forward aswell. They were now inches apart. There lips were inches apart.

_ "experience" she winked at him then fell back into her seat, then took a strawberry out of Athena's tray and threw it in her mouth.

_ " you don't scare me London" she said mockingly, then got out of her seat and headed out of the cafeteria.
His eyes narrowed and i swear i could see fume coming out of his ears. Oh oh, he was about to explode. Athena laughed uncontrollably "this is priceless" she said in between her laughs. He then stormed out of the cafeteria too.

_ "he thinks she's apart of some shit?" Asked Athena after calming down. I nod.

_ "ill try to find out" she says then follows Heaven leaving me alone at the table. Shortly after, i follow Landon before he does something he'll regret.

Phew this is the longest chapter yet!
There's already tension between the two...
And what the hell are they talking about? Apart if what?
I hope you enjoyed!
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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