Chapter 35

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                            Game night
*Heaven's POV*
Two weeks have passed since I've joined the Saints. I haven't received any text message with any details yet. The wait has me running impatient and broke.

For the past two weeks, Landon and I haven't really spoken much. After what happened we tried to avoid each other as much as possible, but it wasn't always easy since the others would question the reason behind it. Yeah, we haven't told Alex, Justus nor Athena.

Speaking of Athena. She has been training me to shoot this half a month. I used the burning down of The Underground, as an excuse as to not tell her the real reason why I actually wanted to perfect my aim. Yes, I haven't told her about The Saints yet, but it is because I'm still not quite sure of what's happening myself. My skills in shooting became MUCH better.

My aim was already perfect, but now I also learned speed, shooting from a distance, and shooting with different types of guns, from snipers to handguns to rifles. Athena truly was an amazing coach.

Spring break was coming soon, and Alex invited us over to his place to meet up one more time before he leaves to New York, to meet this guy he has been talking to online for the past two months. Also, The Sullivan's were leaving to Mexico for the spring with Landon and his family, as Athena and Justus were practically adopted by Landon's parents.

Alex also happened to invite Silas, the guy we met at the last party, Clyde's cousin. He and Athena have been hanging out a-lot lately, in addition to him being her fuck buddy. Even though I have zero experience with feelings, emotions, and relationships, I would say they are both falling for each other. The friends with benefits thing never works out.

I just see it in the way the act around each other, talk about each other, and look at one another. Landon did not like him, he never did ever since the bar incident. Not only because Silas made fun of him, but also he was being protective of Athena, since Silas himself admitted to being a player. But he seemed to make her happy, and so did she. Either ways, if he tries anything, Justus Landon and I would be there to kick his ass.

^Landon's POV^
_ "so, you both and I are going to Mexico next week. We are going to sign an alliance with the Voodoos there. This way we would eliminate the threat, as we would have to join forces. And only if they're stupid enough will they trick us or try anything funny. They know not to mess with us." I say.

_ "Sounds like a plan, but where exactly will all this take place?" Justus asks.

_ "at one of their hotels there, which is named after the mafia." I explain

_ "that's great and all, but we have shit to deal with before our "trip" to Mexico" intervenes Athena.

_ "whats up?" I query.

_ "you're father needs us this Saturday night" she states

_ "but we have plans this Saturday" retorts Justus.

_ "he's gonna need us here at around 11, so we will still have time to meet up at Alex's"

_ "two questions" says Justus

_ "shoot" was her reply

_ "first off what will our excuse for leaving early be?" He questions, putting one of the two fingers he had held up down.

_ "we need a "goodnight's sleep" before we travel. Our plane leaves early in the morning." she was quick to answer him.

_ "and what does he need us for?" I ask.

_ "he's bringing in the newbies this Saturday, we're going to have to test their skills, decide whether or not to accept them, and if we do, classify them into groups according to their skills"

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