Chapter 24

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                          Regrets n' Drinks
^Landon's POV^
Her words were playing on repeat in my head. I sat there, at this random bar drinking my fourth beer. A man ordered himself a drink and sat on the stool next to mine. "Girl problems?" He asked.

_ "you could say that. Only she isn't my girl. But ever since we stopped talking I just feel like a piece of me has been ripped right out of my chest. Funny thing is" I chuckle drunken "I don't usually drink, I stopped after an accident occurred. She pushed me to drink." I hiccup. "I don't know what is happening to me bro. Never been here before" my rambling continues.

_ "Can't relate, but what I can tell you is that, she didn't push you to drink. You did. It was your guilt, pain, regret, loss or whatever feeling you're feeling that pushed you to do so. But please, do tell me more so I'll be able to help." Said the stranger.

_ "Well... it all happened because I was being a prick to her." I hiccup "Since the very first day we met. I'm just a closed off person, and don't trust easily, ironic isn't it... Anyways, I always thought she was involved in illegal activities since the first day of university when she beat up a jock for bullying a boy. I also thought so because she always disappears without any valid explanation and comes back bloodied and bruised. I've had enough of it, and well... I kind of overstepped my boundaries and exploded for absolutely no reason. I hurt her feelings... If only you saw her face... her cold, emotionless eyes were glazed over with tears. Tears!? It was the first time ever I saw that happen, and hopefully the last. It tore me appart. But I couldn't show her that. After that night we didn't speak for about 3 weeks. Until our friends' birthday. The guys from our "squad" planned something for us that night. They locked us in a basement together. Thing is... we didn't know of each other's presence and she kind of beat my ass, then I pointed my-... I did something that triggered her and she just went HAM on me. I broke whatever little things we had. I ruined things to the point where she begged me... sh-she begged me to never come near her again. And then she just left me there... all alone." I finished with a sniff, then held my head between my hands. "I messed up big time" I whispered.

_ "I can clearly see that you really care for her, but you messed up big time" said the guy. "I can't give you advice because I myself have never been in such a situation. They call me a man whore... I just play, but never stay." he said

_ "Same here, why do you think I'm so confused. I am the "hit it and quit it type"."

_ "What's this special girls name?" He asked "she seems like a real treat, I could help you out maybe" he said cockily, and winked at me.

_ "Heave- wait..."I looked up at him and shot him a murderous glare. I finally took in the person I have been talking too. He was tall, my height if not a bit taller. Fit... must be going to the gym. But pfff... not as fit as me. He had sly eyes. Like... cat like, emerald green eyes. Thick brown eyebrows to match his curly dark brown hair. He looked half American half asian. This bitch made me mad.

_ " I don't need your "help" with her." I said coldly, my blood boiling.

_ "hit a nerve there?" He chuckled. I just left. I had to make things right. But she begged me to leave her alone, so I needed help.
I had to talk to Justus...

•Justus's POV•
It was midnight, when someone decided to knock savagely on our door. It wasn't the first time we had to deal with maniacs, so I took my gun out just in case. Athena ran into the room. "What's happening?" she asks. "I don't know yet" I reply
I open the door... and Athena and I look at each other confused. Landon was standing at the door, leaning against its frame for support.

_ "H-heyyy" he slurred.

_ "Nope, not today Satan" Athena spun on her heel and went back to her room.

_ "Landon... are you drunk?" I ask confused. After the death of his brother he drank nonstop for about a month. He would come home drunk out of his mind in hopes to drown his sorrow. This went on for a good few weeks, until his mother begged him to stop or else he would end up just like his brother, and she wasn't ready to loose another child. Landon would do anything for his mother, he loved ad cherished her unconditionally. And so he stopped drinking. Until... now?

_ "Nahhhhh" he ended it with a hiccup.
He clearly was. I let him in and made him a cup of coffee to sober him up. After a cup of coffee and several glasses of water later, I ask annoyed: "sooo... after two weeks of ignoring me, what brings you here? And why the hell have you been drinking?"

_ "Why did you think it was a good idea to lock me and Heaven in the basement?" He fired back.

_ "we only meant well" I continue warily, the guilt resurfacing. "Back to you though, you still haven't answered my question.

He sighs and says:
_ "I need advice man. I've been having a hard time dealing with these weird ass feelings. My mind just won't fucking shut up. That's why I've been drinking."

_ "elaborate"

_ "I blurted out my thoughts to this random guy in the bar and it made me realize... well, that- that i-" he uttered

_ "that you're a conceited, small minded, egoistic, asshole and that you made a huge mistake?" I say

He blinks at me a few times, dumbfounded.

_"I'll take that as a yes."

~Athena's POV~
I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation going on between my brother and Landon. The fact that Landon was drunk, peeked my interest, as he supposedly stopped drinking a while ago. I open my door and sat on the bed. They wouldn't notice anyways.

_ "I just feel like a piece of me has been ripped out of me, ever since we fought outside the club and I saw tears in her eyes, and then when she begged me not to speak to her again. It broke me. And now I tried to fill up that void with alcohol... but it's just not helping." I hear Landon say in a desperate tone. I take out my phone and start recording. Things were getting interesting. I know it was wrong of me to do what I am doing, but hey... I am a full time gang member, so who cares...

Note that Landon was drunk throughout this chapter. Up until Justus gives him coffee and water, that sobered him up a bit. That is why he was being open about his feelings.
So Heaven's got Landon drinking... what will they talk about? What's his solution, and will Heaven and Landon ever make up?
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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