Chapter 32

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                                 The Kiss
*Heaven's POV*
As I drown deeper in his sapphire eyes, I feel myself being drawn closer to him and I couldn't stop myself. It was like a magnetic force gravitating us towards each other.

Landon's face softened, he had let his guard completely crumble for me. He too started advancing closer to my face. We were now inches away from each other.

I could feel his warm, minty breath softly caress my lips. The warmth of his body engulfed me as there was almost no space left between our bodies. My fire eyes and his ice ones remained locked, none of us shifting our gaze from the other. Everything around us blurred. The colors all turned into one solid block of black. The distant cars engines rumbling, the symphonic crickets and soft rustling of the wind, have now all vanished. The only sounds heard were two synchronized heart beats.

As if done by magic, our lips locked. His strong hands wrapped around my hips, pulling me closer... if that was even possible. My hands wrapped instinctively around his neck, and I entangled my fingers in his hair, softly tugging at it, as our kiss grew hungrier and more passionate by the second. The feeling of his hard toned shirtless abs under my body had me craving for more. The soft touch of his hands around my waist made me shudder and ignited a fire in my soul. Our bodies fit together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle as I melted into his hold.

^Landon's POV^
Her silky touch, soft sweet lips and the saccharine coconuty smell of her hair exceeded my expectations. She was gentle, feminine and hot. As her hands travelled along my naked torso, my skin ignited with a fire I've never experienced before.
Blinded by the frustration and desire of tasting each other, I assisted her in taking off her jacket.

_ "L-Landon..." she mumbled in between our heated kisses. I simply hummed in response, too entranced to utter any words. "I think we should stop" she continued against my lips.

_ "Y-you're right, we should" I reply, not because I didn't like it, I loved it, nor because there was something wrong about it, but because I wanted to show her, that she was not like the rest of the girls for me. After a few more minutes of making out, we finally pulled away from each other.

She put on her jacket, and I pulled on my shirt too. Then I placed a small kiss on her for-head before saying:

_ "It's getting late, let me drive you home."

*Heaven's POV*
The car ride was silent, and honestly I liked it this way. It was sort of soothing.
I also liked that he didn't push me to talk about what had just happened between us. Tension hung in the car as I looked out the window into the night. The lampposts rushed by us creating an electric line of light outside the window, hypnotizing passers by.

"If I ain't got you" by Alicia Keys started playing on the radio. His eyes fixated on the road ahead, Landon started humming along softly to the song, before actually starting to sing along to it. His voice was mellifluous and breathy. I couldn't help but smile as I never expected him to have such a great singing voice. It was contagious, and I unknowingly started to sing along.

^Landon's POV^
_ "Some people want it all, But I don't want nothing at all!
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings, Some just want everything!
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah" I was shocked by Heaven's sweet yet raspy voice as she joined me.
It was a melody I could play on repeat for the rest of my life without getting tired of. When she speaks, her voice is very appealing to listen to, but when she sings, it's just heavenly and addicting. She was talented. Extremely talented.

I looked at her and she was smiling. I love her smile, it just seems so innocent and luminous. I too, couldn't help but smile at her voice.

The rest of the drive was spent singing loudly to every song that came up on the radio. I haven't had this much fun in a while.

As soon as I parked in-front of her apartment building, I turned off the engine. We just sat there in silence, smiling like two idiots.

_ "Thank you for tonight, I truly had an amazing time" she finally broke the silence.

_ "I had a great time too" I said sheepishly. Then we continued to awkwardly stare at each other. I ran my fingers through my hair fiddly, she blushed.

Rrickdogbeusjrjdjwjriekeoanfb she's so cute! I thought. She then quickly leaned in and gave me a swift kiss, then opened the door and hopped out shutting it behind her. She then opened it again and said "goodnight" then closed it again and ran off into the building. I was left dumbstruck and felt myself blush like and idiot.

I then turned on my car, and drove off...

Heyyy sorry this chapter is short, just felt like stopping it here or else there would be too much for one chapter. Yay finally some tea. What will happen next?
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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