Chapter 16

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Us at midnight
^Landon's POV^
We rode to the Sullivan's house back in silence. Athena and Justus lay on top of each other in the back seat, drunk and passed out. Heaven rode shotgun, peacefully looking out the window. My own was cracked open. The crisp winter air creeped through disheveling our hair, and the melody of chirping crickets echoed as we drove by the empty fields.

As soon as we got to our destination, Hell and I joined forces and carried the two bird brains into each of their rooms. Heaven then joined Athena in her room where they would share the bed, and i took the guest room.

About an hour and forty minutes passed. I tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep as the pale moon cast its blue threads upon my face, and moonlight filled the room. I got out of bed and tossed on a jacket on my naked torso. I guess i needed a smoke or a snack to get my mind off of things.
I made my way out to the balcony where an hour glass figure stood in revealing shorts and an oversized hoodie.

Heaven was standing there, looking... so- so.... unphased while smoking her cigarette. As if she sensed my presence she faced me and stared at me blankly for a few seconds. "You're the only one who didn't share a secret with us" she said smirking devilishly at me.

_ "And why should I?" I answered, returning the smirk.

_ "you heard a secret of mine, its only fair you share one with me." She said taking a drag of her cigarette, "besides, it's midnight"

_ "so?"

_ "midnight is the perfect time to talk, and after midnight...." she huffed out the smoke "it's all forgotten. Like none of it was said"

I stared at her skeptically for a few seconds before she moved aside, offering me the empty spot by her.

*Heaven's POV*
He sighed and came closer, then took out his own cigarette and lit it.

_ "I had two siblings, an older brother and a younger sister" he started

_ "had?"

_ "my brother died in a car crash. He was drunk after partying with his friends, yet still decided to drive back home. God, how stupid he was. He sped on a road curve and the car flipped over killing him and two of his friends that rode with him. That's the reason I don't drink anymore, well not too often at least. Especially not during parties."
He looked at me and offered me a forced smile. For the first time of my 4 months of knowing him, I caught a glimpse of hurt in his ice blue eyes. I hated it when people petty me, and I have come to notice that Landon and i have some similarities. So instead of actually saying the meaningless "I'm sorry" I pulled out one of my hands from the pocket of the hoodie I wore and put it on top of his cold one. He flinched at my touch at first, but he then loosened up. He was slowly beginning to trust me. It was a slow but sure process. I can't even describe the reason behind my urge to unravel this man, but he truly intrigued me.

^Landon's POV^
I suddenly felt a warm hand on top of my cold one. I flinched out of surprise. I had not expected such an act of sympathy from Heaven. Her touch was like an angelic , and the warmth of her hand radiated through my entire body as she gently rubbed her thumb against my palm. I appreciated the fact that she didn't petty me nor treat me like a fragile child. It had happened four years ago, and I was ready to move on with my life. No point on dwelling on the past.

She then, still holding my hand, lead me indoors. "Your hands are freezing, let's get you something warm to drink" she said. In her molten caramel eyes I saw the same thing I had seen earlier on the roof tonight. Pain, hurt, sadness, mixed with sympathy and understanding.

She then suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, and started closing the space between us slowly. Her golden eyes gazed deep into my own, as she put both her hands on my chest, then bit her bottom lip playfully and...

Hahahaha got you there. Now you gotta wait for the next chapter, or just read it...
Anyways, we got to know a little about Landons past too.
What will happen between the two as their walls begin to crumble?
Find out in the next chapters of "Heartstrings!"

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