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Heya Journal.
I hope you're doin okay. I'm not doing good, by the way. I was really excited at first, and I remember that,on Day 1, I told you that I wanted to do this thing forever. This fate deciding thingy. But now I'm not so sure.
And I know I said I wanted to live forever. But I hoped no one would come to know about my secret.
But someone knows. Or at least he suspects. This kid back in school, subdued and shy, an orphan and a brother and unseen by most eyes. Most eyes, not mine. I know that he probably knows more than he should. I need to do something about it.
Last Tuesday, he followed me home. He wanted to see where I lived. Remember I told you that he once asked me about my parents, my family? He's just so curious about me. And now he knows something, and he's not doing a good job hiding his suspicions. No one else has a tinge of doubt regarding where I live, where I'm from. All of them know the same story I wanted them to know. Thoughts I inserted into their heads. But not this kid. He seems to know more than everyone else. He seems to know more than I want him to. Maybe he has some secrets of his own? Maybe he's got some powers I don't know about? But I did do some research on him, asked all my friends about him, and even followed him home. Yes, he's also an orphan like me but it doesn't seem like he killed his parents.
And it's not like I wanted him to, right?
Everyone, literally everyone except this kid knows that I'm the heiress to a homefurnishing's fortune and my parents died in a freak accident some 20 years ago.. Well, 17 to be exact. And that's it. My classmates know that I'm older than most of em but that doesn't matter.
What matters is that this kid knows that that's not it. He followed me home and every time I looked back, he stepped aside and hid himself from my view. But I knew it was him. For I caught a reflection of him on the side mirror of a car parked by the street. When I reached home, I paused for a second on the porch, then dashed upstairs. He seemed a bit taken aback at my sudden movements, and he considered for a minute whether he should knock on my door, sneak in or just leave. Eventually he chose the latter and left. No one ever comes to my house and it's because I don't want them to. I don't write letters and no one ever writes me. No one enters or leaves my house. No one, ever, follows me. I prefer to be alone.
And I'd like to have this kid out of my way.
Now, here's your daily dose of praises, Journal.
I know you know how much I love you. But there's always a possibility that I might love you more than you think. In fact, I love you more than my dreams. It is because of you, Journal, that I live in this huge mansion today, all by myself. It is because of you I own six Lambos that I don't use, have unlimited food supply and unlimited money. And it was only because of you that I could get rid of those things that no longer served me. My parents, my family and my frenemies. And everything else that was unwanted, unnecessary.
All thanks to you, for getting me out of that shit hole of a country. For giving me all the things I ever wanted. For finding me friends that don't talk behind my back or challenge what I think. These people here, they don't torture me just to watch me bleed.
And thank you for not making me bleed at all. Thank you for fulfilling all my desires, all my wishes. And now, because of you, with the stroke of my pen, I can control anyone, change anything, get anything I desire. Have any dream I want. Dreams, that come true.
I will dream again tonight. And someone is going to die. You know who it is.


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