Austin's Diary

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Sunday, March 25

Okay so... Things are going well. We have come up with a little name for our group - Blitzkrieg. Yeah, I know, sounds badass and all. But it's an undeniable fact that we drop more bombs than the Blitz (I mean figuratively, not literally). Our convos and actions stand proof to this.

Daisy and I, a couple now. We've been together for the last 5 months and both of us have confessed that we have feelings for each other.

Things are great! I should be happy! I should be the happiest I've ever been.

But unfortunately I'm not. And I'm not even sure why.
I'm going to be completely honest here. I've been feeling a little awkward around Daisy lately, and I feel like I'm getting distant from Chris and Tobias as well.

I think the problem started the moment I told Daisy that I wanted to sleep with her. Okay, maybe THAT was a stretch but.. why can't I even kiss her?!? She doesn't even wanna cuddle with me. I still don't understand why.

Am I ugly? No.(Don't think I am, no one has ever told me that) Have I ever been rude to her? No. Do I have any intention of ending this relationship? No, never. Have I ever broken Daisy's heart? No, I don't think so (at least not consciously and she's never complained). Am I doing something wrong? I don't know.

I seriously can't come up with an explanation as to why Daisy might be behaving like this. This kind of behavior is absolutely, utterly out of place.

Well. It's probably true that I haven't told Daisy everything about me yet. But, well, it's not like she always wants to know..
I don't wanna hide anything from her but... I guess I don't like talking about myself. Specially when the other person doesn't ask you to tell.

Oh and I asked Daisy just a couple days ago if she still dreamt, occasionally. She said she didn't. That's a good thing, I guess.

Think I'm gonna ask Daisy what's wrong. We really need to talk things out.

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