Austin's Diary

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Friday, September 29

I didn't get a minute of sleep.
Everything's crystal clear to me now.
I can hardly believe this. I would never have believed that Daisy was such a monster if I hadn't read her Journal.
I'm still having a hard time believing it.
It all makes sense now. It makes perfect sense.
But then again it doesn't.
I had guessed something like this was going on the moment I saw her sleepwalking, the moment I heard her talking of dreams with her friends, the moment I found Chris and Tobias so completely oblivious of her flaws, as if they were under her spell.
And all the others at school. Everybody else.
They all convinced me that something was out of place. And those impulses to kill myself, Daisy trying to kill me...
It had always been Daisy.
It had always been about her goddamn dreams.
I heard her talking of dreams. Saying that she really liked dreaming. And that her dreams sometimes came true.

Now I know. It always did.

Even Petra asking me to go on a long drive. EVEN THAT WAS BECAUSE OF DAISY. HER DREAMS.
But how? How's this possible??
It defies any and all laws of nature I've ever known.
Guess I shouldn't talk about laws of nature right now.
But what should I do with this Journal now that I have it? Throw it out? Burn it up? Tear its pages? Or should I just return it to Daisy?
No, of course I can't do that. I can't just hand it over to Daisy and let her destroy more lives than she already has.
She freaking killed her parents.
She killed her sister.
She killed a girl who looked like her sister.
She killed Andy Berenson and his wife. The couple who lived in that mansion before her.

See? I knew she didn't inherit that mansion.

And me. She tried to kill me.
Numerous times. And FAILED, miserably.
And she convinced everyone else that everything was FINE. Everything was perfect.
No one has a clue. No one else has a fucking clue.
I can't imagine someone could do something this horrifying.
Is she even human?

I couldn't read past these last few pages last night. I was shaking by the time I put it down. I was in no way ready to read the first part.

Now that I feel a bit more stable, guess I should start reading the parts that I missed. I don't wanna leave no details unread.

Let's get it done and over with.

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