Austin's Diary

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Monday, December 30

It's been a while since my last diary entry. Well actually, I got a bit caught up with school, projects and... Daisy. Couldn't even manage the time to write my thoughts down.

So the year's coming to an end. It's been a crazy year, if I'm being honest. ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. So much has happened. It took me down an intense yet beautiful journey.
The first major event of this year was meeting Daisy and getting to know her. It's amazing how quickly we became comfortable with each other. We only had our first "date" in September, and ever since then we've become more intimate by the day.
I've seen how scared she was, to let her guard down. But I didn't rush things, and eventually she did. Ever so slowly she let it down. She started to like me, I could sense that. I think she enjoys my company.
I don't mean to brag but I feel like I'm the one who's given her a normal life. And a good friend circle. A real friend circle.
She's so full of energy these days. She's completely changed as a person.
We hang out after class everyday - me, Daisy, Chris and Tobias. It's so fun. I think I have changed as a person as well. I feel a lot less alone these days.

Daisy doesn't like keeping secrets. She tells me about everything that's going on in her life. Guess we've already become best friends.

Oh, speaking of which, I have been thinking about coming up with a name for our little group. Every amazing group of friends (like ours) needs a name. I'll have to tell Chris, Tobias and Daisy about this.

Ah and I almost forgot. I actually asked Daisy about her dreams a couple of days ago (yeah we haven't been talking anything about dreams or Daisy's past since the "date" we had). I asked her if she still dreamt, if they still came true. I was a bit scared to ask though, not gonna lie.

Her answer actually surprised me. She said that she'd stopped dreaming for awhile. Since our "date", to be exact. Which is pretty weird, she admits herself. But honestly, I'm just so glad. Controlling everyone around you isn't fun. No, not to me.

And, like I said, she's become so much more exuberant ever since.
I guess this is why they say everything in life happens for a reason.
I'm just so happy with how everything turned out.

I read one of Marilyn Monroe's quotes this morning:
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together.

I don't want this to fall apart but I do want better things in the future.

Let's see where things go...

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