Austin's Diary

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Monday, September 24

I can't sleep tonight. My eyes just won't close. I feel so alive and awake.

These days, it's like my life starts backwards. Like, I wake up feeling tired, and go to bed feeling awake. My entire system has gone wack.
Daisy might've something to do with it.

Last night, I dreamt about her. I saw she was sleeping. Deeply, peacefully. I was standing at a little distance from her bed. A white light was radiating from around her. She was wearing that same yellow satin dress she wore when she broke into my house. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Her eyeballs were moving underneath her eyelids, indicating REM sleep.
I just watched her, silently. I could hardly believe that a girl like that had tried to kill me.
She looked perfectly innocent. And pure. And gorgeous. And amazing.
Oh, and did I mention beautiful?
At that moment, she looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.
But suddenly she woke up. Strands of her hair turned into snakes. She herself turned into a giant snake and hissed at me.
But I didn't move a muscle. I just stood there, staring calmly into her eyes. Snake eyes.

She kept hissing at me. I don't know how long we stayed like that. But after some time, her face gradually returned to normal – that pure, innocent face. But the snakes on her head stayed. She came closer to me, sliding across the floor, for her lower body was still that of a snake.

She kept coming closer and closer. Then she stopped an inch short from me.
She moved her face close to mine.
Then she closed her eyes, and pressed her lips on mine, hard.
She kissed me passionately for what seemed like an eternity. And I kissed back.
It was surreal. I could hear the snakes, hissing over my head.
But I just didn't care. I kissed her back as passionately as she did me.

I tried not to think about this dream too much at school today..cuz.. what's the point, really? It's just a dream. A stupid dream.
But now I can't get it out of my head.
The dream... It was so real and vivid. I don't think I've ever had a dream like that before.
And now that I'm thinking of it...
It's reminding me of that song - (I used to make out with) Medusa by Bring Me The Horizon.

Since I won't be sleeping tonight, better go bang my head along to that song.

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