Austin's Diary

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Sunday, April 15

Wow it's 5:15 right now. I've been with Kathy tonight. She's asleep right now, in my bed. I'm almost too drunk for this but I'm just gonna write everything down anyway. This has been an experience of a lifetime.
I was with Daisy yesterday. At her house. We played video games all day. Chris and Tobias were there as well. At around 3:30 i got a text from an unknown number, that said, "im free tonight. Wanna hang out?" Well honestly I was up for some adventure so I replied"yeah." I assumed it was a prank anyway.
I didn't tell anyone about it right then. I did not get a reply at that time.
I returned home by 5:00. I was gonna help Petra prepare dinner then and that's when I got the second text :
"Meet me at The Bar in half an hour."
I knew where it was. The Bar is a p cheap bar near our house.
I decided I was gonna leave. Told Petra I was gonna hang out with friends. No need to wait for me.
But I didn't think I was gonna end up having sex.
When I went to The Bar, I found Kathy waiting for me. She was dressed in this really tight black sequin dress that made her look sexier than she actually was. She was waiting for me.
We talked for hours. She bought me drinks even after I told her not to.
And I don't know what happened. About 10 shots (could be more) and a couple hours later, we were here. At my house. In my room. Stark naked. Tearing each other apart.
Ahhhhhhh it was beautiful. The sex. It felt so good. I think I just went to heaven and back.
Hahaha I'm the devil. You picked a dance with the devil. Kathy's been dancing with the devil all night. It's like hell is where she wanna be.

Took her to the heavens in a carriage. Ain't no white horse white had her doing backflips.

Your body keeps pulling me in, Kathy.

I know how bad you want me inside you. And I want you to ride me :) xoxo

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