Austin's Diary

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Skipping those pages wasn't a good idea. I guess I just wanted to see what she had written about ME more than anything else. Plus it didn't seem like a good idea to read someone's dream journal thoroughly from beginning to end.
But now I can see why It's necessary.

Well apparently she's gone through a lot. And it's not her fault that she acts the way she does.
Circumstances have compelled her to be like this.
But what I still don't understand is that how did she obtain this superpower just by swallowing some 50 capsules of some common antidepressant?
Maybe it wasn't even an antidepressant she thought it was?
Guess I'll never know.
But what I do know is that she needs someone. Someone real. Someone other than an inanimate object like this journal.
Just like I need someone to express my thoughts. Share my feelings.

I know exactly what I'm gonna do today.

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