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You won't believe what happened today! I told you someone was going to die, but he didn't! Eventually, he survived. THIS FRIGGIN BOY LIVED!

I don't know how this happened. Or why this happened. I did dream about him that night. I did dream of killing him, sneaking into his house at the dead of the night, my kitchen knife in hand, butchering him alive, and savouring every moment of it. I flayed him first, slowly, as he screamed. Bloodcurdling screams that resonated in my ears, and filled me with this lust, this terrific joy. I licked his naked, flayed body passionately. His blood tasted so good... It was phenomenal. Then I castrated him, and finally I slaughtered him. Cut him up into pieces.
He was as dead as a doornail.
And that did happen. Everything I dreamt (or wanted to dream) happened. All of it happened yesterday. He was dead and gone. And that's why I slept like a baby last night. No dreams or anything.
But guess what?! Whom did I find at class today?! THAT DEAD KID.

He rose from the dead.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

I don't believe in ghosts, and for a moment I thought I was hallucinating. But I know I wasn't.

There's only one way he could've lived. He didn't die AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE.

He was living, alive and well all along.

This is impossible. I killed him myself! With my own hands!
It's almost like, if I'm living then he's dead and if he's living then I'm dead.

Hey, does this mean I'm going to die?!? That my end is near?!

NO! Nonononononononono. That can't happen. I must do something about it!

Well, good for me, I know exactly what to do.

It's time to edit my dream.

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