The Brother

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He's 'the brother'. He has a younger brother named John. But that's not why he's called 'the brother'. The reason for calling him the brother is that he's not just John's big bro, he's everybody's brother. He'll help anyone in danger, any damsel in distress. But he's sorta shy and reserved. He likes to live by himself, tries to blend in and doesn't want attention. But he's a seeker for trouble. He likes solving puzzles, untangling mysteries and helping people in trouble.
He was 8 when his parents died. John was 6. His parents had gone to some gala that night. He and John were home. His parents left them with a babysitter. He had idea that that would be the last day he'd ever see his parents. That his parents would never return from that gala.

Later, he heard that on their way back, his dad's car crashed into a tree. It was accident, they say, but he's not so sure.

To this day, he hasn't been able to solve this puzzle. He hasn't been able to answer this question - WHY?
Why did his dad deliberately crash his car into a tree?
He knows it was intentional. His instinct tells him it was intentional.

His dad wasn't a drinker. He had a driver's license and social security card and he was always extremely careful while driving. He was the last person anyone would expect to die in a car crash.
Then why?
No one can tell. Not even him.

                       Austin's Diary

Monday, September 17

I knew this girl was trouble. I always knew there's something wrong with this girl. And now it has been proved.

I don't know where she gets all her money from or where she spends the night but all I can tell is that she's not normal. She's not like the rest of the girls in class. They say she's really rich, well, she has to be, since her parents had been rich. She inherited all that money. And the house. It's so huge, it almost looks like a mansion. I once heard her saying she owns six LAMBOS. Everyone believes her cuz she's pretty convincing. Plus not everyone is smart.

But I don't buy it. I don't buy everything she says. She could be a really good liar for as much as I am concerned. And she IS.

I've been stalking her for a while now. It's true, that she lives all alone.  But it's queer as hell that she lives in that mansion all by herself. It must be lonely in there.
But she doesn't spend the night there. I don't know where she goes but she's not there, at night, ever. I think she sleepwalks, because I've seen her walk around the house a couple of times with her eyes closed. So there's a good chance that she sleepwalks her way out of the house every night, and returns in the morning, before school starts.

Now, the things is, I'm an orphan too but I don't live alone! Me and John live with Petra, who's the babysitter our parents left us with. She stayed ever since.
She's unmarried, and takes care of us as her own sons.
Our parents had been pretty rich as well, so we inherited some property. Petra's studying for her psychology degree and works part-time as a barmaid. Everything's been settled.

But I can't imagine a young girl living ALL ALONE in a huge mansion in an isolated neighborhood.
But that's exactly what Daisy's doing. I'd go crazy within days if I lived alone like her!
Then again, she's not lonely. Though she lives alone, she doesn't seem lonely. I mean, she has this huge group of friends at school, and she's pretty much the queen bee. She's good at everything and almost everyone likes her. She's new here, but she's become so popular already.

She says she INHERITED that house I've had a hard time believing. She says her parents died in an accident, like mine, but I don't really believe that either.

Something about her made me think she might not be normal. I told Chris about this at school, but he dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. He said that I worry too much, and that I'm paranoid. There's nothing wrong with Daisy.
I don't know why no one else sees this, but there is something wrong. Well, EVERYTHING'S wrong with Daisy.

How do I know this?

She was in my house last night. Petra was asleep. John was in his room upstairs, listening to music and probably half asleep. I was on the couch downstairs, watching TV. It was a quarter to midnight, and I was watching Jimmy Kimmel Live! Sunday Night Special. That was when I heard the creaking sound. Someone had trespassed on our backyard & was now trying to get in through the back door. I turned the TV off, jumped off the couch and hid in the kitchen.
Then I saw her.


She stepped inside, silently. And in her hand, I saw that thing. It shimmered in the soft light of the living room. It was a large, sharp and dangerous looking kitchen knife.
The sight of it sent a shiver down my spine. Why'd she break into my house at midnight with a kitchen knife in hand? Was she looking for me? Was she there to kill me because I'd been stalking her for about a week?
I had no time to think. I had to act fast. I wasn't sure at first if I should call the police or handle the situation myself. But then I chose the latter, for she was quick on her feet, and was coming in my direction. She couldn't see me though, and she walked past me. I quickly took a pan in hand, came out of my hiding place, and when she wasn't looking, I sent a violent blow to the back of her head. That rendered her unconscious, and she fell to the floor with a thump. That little sound was enough to rouse Petra. She came to the living room and found us. She was shocked to see Daisy lying on the floor and was about to call the police without listening to what I had to say. That's when I shouted at her.

"PETRA! I said STOP!"

My voice had been a little too loud and John came downstairs as well. He was also pretty shocked, but not as much as Petra. I explained to both of them what had actually happened, and both seemed to understand. Then we decided that it'd be best not to involve the police in this matter, and to just drop Daisy off at her house.

As Daisy was lying on the floor, I took a moment to look at her, to observe her. She's actually quite beautiful, and in that yellow satin dress, she looked gorgeous. She had big, brown eyes which were now closed, small lips and a baby face. Her black hair was done up in a bun. She looked pretty innocent. Except she was not.

We carried her off to the garage. We set her down at the back of our car. Petra hopped on the driver's seat, I occupied the passenger's seat. We left John at home (cuz he said he'd be fine) and drove off.

See? Daisy's not okay.

And what's worse is that no one at school today believed my story. I mean, I only told Chris and Tobias, but none of them believed. I'm not exactly sure why.

I need to know more about this girl. I need to unravel her secret.

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