Austin's Diary

7 1 0

Thursday, September 28

Okay so. I got it.

I finally have it.

"The Dream Journal."

But it wasn't easy getting hold of it. Daisy's always around her bag, hardly ever leaving it unattended.

But the good thing is she has a lot of friends. Friends doesn't seem like the perfect word. Better call em fans. And it's easy to get distracted when you have so many of em.

So after chemistry practical, when she was surrounded by her fans, I took the chance and quickly fished out the journal when no one was looking. I carefully slipped the journal into my bag. Right now it's in my hand. And I'm going to read it.

And I really think this would explain a lot of stuff.

Okay this diary's huge. She's written so much in here. I don't really have the patience to go through it all right now. Kay guess I'll just skim through.

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