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Kathy is sure of the fact that she has all it would take to bring Austin's stimulation to maximum ecstasy. She is a hotshot, and she's been ogling Austin for weeks. As a matter of fact, she's also one of Daisy's close mates. Not close enough to be included in "Blitzkrieg", Daisy's private circle, but close enough to know all about it.
Most other girls (and boys) that Daisy hangs out with are just there, blindly trailing behind Daisy, swallowing her every word, totally spellbound. They don't care about anything else. They worship her. Most people at school are like that, under her spell.
Kathy used to be too. In fact, she still is. The only thing that's changed is that she's into Austin now, Daisy's boyfriend. She still likes Daisy, though. But she likes Austin better.
And Austin probably doesn't know this. Daisy has absolutely no idea.
The entire school knows that Daisy and Austin are a cute couple, and that the four of them - Daisy, Austin, Chris and Tobias hang out after class. Most don't know much about this little squad, about where they go, what they do or talk about. But Kathy knows all this.
It's because Kathy's Daisy's best girl-friend. Girl-friend, with a dash. Because Kathy's not into girls. But Daisy once told her that she's bi, so she might even be romantically interested in her, who knows. Maybe the reason she kept Kathy close and adores her so much is that she's somewhat into her?
But she's got a boyfriend anyway.
And Kathy wants him to herself. Even if it's just for one night.
Kathy had never noticed Austin much before. But ever since he and Daisy started hanging out together, she couldn't help but notice his strong physique, athletic build, mesmerizing voice and immersive eyes. She's probably talked to Austin once or twice, but everytime she did, she eye-fucked him through and through. She's not so sure if he noticed.
The fact that Austin actually loves Daisy doesn't bother her. All she wants to do is sleep with him. She doesn't fear the consequences. And she doesn't care whether or not they stay together after she's fucked him.

But she knows that she's gotta be strategic if she wants to make her dream come true. Austin won't be an easy one to seduce. Seducing and fucking men is nothing new to Kathy, but she's seen the way Austin looks at Daisy, the way Daisy talks of him. They were made for each other, and Kathy knows that.

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