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Day - 83

Heya Journal.
I feel sad. Broken. Angry. Tired. Exhausted. Worthless. Fucking pissed at myself.
What's wrong with me? Why the fuck did I talk to him?
But at least I didn't INITIATE the conversation. He was the one who walked up to me and started talking.
But I should've just... Ignored him.
I don't know why I decided to roll along.
I don't even... I can't even stand this guy! I wanted to fucking KILL him!

And I think he knows that. He gave me a hint. So it's a really dangerous situation I'm in right now, I'm sure you can understand. He didn't seem pissed at me or anything, but he could be hiding behind this mask, trying to figure out ways he could kill me. He's even been stalking me for days.
It'd have been the best if I could've just killed him. The way I killed my parents. They way I killed Robin, Holly, Cody. Andy and Trista – the couple that lived in this mansion before me.
It'd also be nice if I could take control of him instead. The way I control everybody else at school.
But I've tried both, and failed.
I've tried to kill him, I've tried to control him. Nothing works. What should I do now?

I just don't know anymore.
Guess I should just continue trying to find answers to my questions.

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