Austin's Diary

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Wednesday, September 27

Petra wanted to take us on a long drive today. John seemed really enthusiastic about it so it was probably his idea.
But I cancelled it. I told them straight to their faces that we wouldn't be going on a long drive today. Not when John's got a Geography test tomorrow.
My exams are coming up as well. I'll be sitting for my GCSES next month.

But I guess it was a bit rude to treat them like that.
Well, I had no choice.

Sometimes, I feel so alone. I wish I could share everything, everything I feel with someone. I can't do that with John cuz, well, he's too young for that. And innocent.
And Petra... Well, I don't really trust her.
Yeah, I have trust issues.
And that is part of why I didn't agree to go on a long drive today.
Cuz she would be driving.
To be honest I do trust Petra a bit, otherwise I wouldn't be living with her. But I don't trust her decisions. I still remember the one time she threw a lighted cigarette out the window and almost burned our house down. Thank goodness John noticed.
She's screwed up at least a million times.
So yeah. I'm really isolated. And alone. I don't even have friends other than Chris and Tobias. Both of whom are under Daisy's spell.
Something's up. I just know it.
Well apart from the fact that she really likes to dream and her dreams sometimes come true.
Most times.
Maybe always, who knows?
I need to get hold of that 'Dream Journal' of hers I saw in her bag at class today.

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