Chapter One

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Looking around Miss Steele's history room it was pretty obvious we were a mismatched bunch, most of us wouldn't even acknowledged each other before today, I knew their faces but their names were sketchy, well all apart from who was sat on my left, his arm draped across the back of my seat whilst he idly looked at his phone. Our escape from school being delayed by a request to meet with Miss Steele, the kind of request that would usually get me in a state of panic that I was failing class or in some kind of trouble but I wasn't panicked at all, in fact I was just curious as to why we were all here together for the same mysterious reason.

"Where is this chick?" Kevin complained to me, shrugging out of his letterman jacket before settling beside me again and brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"All I know is If she's not here in the next sixty seconds I'm out, I'm missing my manicure for this." Brandi huffed observing her already perfect nails.

"Patience guys, she's obviously asked us here for a reason." Sofia (....I think) said as she flicked her beautiful glossy black hair over her shoulder.

Just then the door swung open and in flew in a jumble of arms and legs, entwined together and oblivious to the present company, the guy with dark quiffed hair eased the girl clinging on to his body like a koala down on to the desk at the front of the classroom, the guy's lips moved down the girl's neck and she moaned audibly. We all sat with our mouths hung open at the display being put on before us, I felt a little nauseous at the sight. The girl then began feverishly kissing the boy's neck, running her nails along his clothed back, I realised in that moment they really hadn't noticed us and if no one intervened they could end up having coitus before our eyes.

I cleared my throat but to no avail as she continued to travel further down his chest with kisses. Not one to be deterred I rose to my feet and crossed the room to where they were literally dry humping. I tapped the guy hard on the shoulder causing him to jump and yell, obviously startled the girl withdrew her head quickly, maybe a little too quickly as it collided with the wall behind her.

"Sorry guys I think you've got this classroom confused with some pay by the hour trashy motel room." I sniped, Kevin and Brandi snorted with laughter, I couldn't help the little feeling of pride that rose in my chest. The girl who I recognised from my maths class sheepishly hopped off the desk and scurried out of the class rubbing the back of her head. I wasn't surprised when the guy turnt around to be faced by Seth, definitely one of the school's more antisocial students, well apart from when it comes to the ladies it would appear.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise this room was booked out for a meeting of the asshats." He said with a smirk before glancing around the room and waving.

"Who are you calling an asshat Anderson?" Kevin's chair scraped on the floor as he stood abruptly and began crossing the room hotly, I quickly found myself sandwiched between them, my back pressed against Seth's hard chest, I placed both my hands on Kevin's chest and pushed against him slightly.

"Kevin he's not worth it." I attempted to defuse the situation.

"That's where you're wrong." Seth leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I'm so worth it." He placed a kiss just below my ear, my skin burned under his touch, it was completely unexpected as was the slap I swiftly delivered across his face.

"Don't you dare put your lips on me! You have no right to do that!" I yelled, almost at a loss for words.

"You piece of shit!" Kevin roared, pointing his finger at Seth aggressively. "Don't touch my girl." I stood firm keeping Kevin in place behind me.

"Go Seth." I instructed.

"Don't act like you didn't love it." He winked at me, his cheek reddening up nicely. He headed for the door but the doorway was now blocked by Miss Steele.

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