Chapter Eighteen

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The ride to Seth's house was filled with a tense silence, I looked at Seth whose eyes never moved off the road, his scowl wasn't for show anymore, I could tell by how tense his bruised jaw was.

He jumped out of his car as we pulled up outside of his house, he strode towards the house with purpose, I barely managed to keep up as I chased after him wishing I could of given Jen a heads up about what was about to happen.

"Mom! Mom!" He bellowed upon walking through the door. Jennifer appeared in the hallway and rushed towards us wearing a robe and her hair in a towel.

"What? What's happened?" She said as she raced down the hallway. Her face fell upon seeing my tears and Seth's battered face. "What the hell happened?" She stepped forward to examine Seth's face, Seth took a step backwards from Jen, a flash of hurt crossed her face but she recovered quickly.

"What aren't you telling me Mom?" Seth said with ragged breath. "What aren't you telling me about Dad?" His voice broke at the mention of his Father.

Jennifer's face paled and she crossed the room to take a seat, she hid her face in her hands and began to weep. I felt sick that all of our worlds were about to implode.

"Mom?" Seth said firmly.

"I'm so sorry Seth." She sobbed. I crossed the room unable to watch her cry and laid a hand on her shoulder. Seth narrowed his eyes at us both.

"Will someone just fucking tell me?" He exploded.

"Seth." I took a big breath. "Your Dad isn't who you think he is." Seth let out a small laugh at the revelation.

"What are you talking about Frankie?" He shook his head as if he'd been told a lame joke.

"I mean that Todd Anderson wasn't your biological Father." I said cautiously.

Seth smirked again and for a moment I thought he was going to laugh, but he quickly crossed the room and knelt in front of Jennifer.

"Mom. Tell Frankie." He said desperately. "Tell her she's got it wrong." He pleaded like a lost boy. Jen's sobs grew louder as she shook her head. Seth's knees gave way underneath him and he ended up sat on the floor, a look of utter shock on his face.

"Seth." I moved towards him and grabbed his hand, he pulled it away as if my touch had scalded him.

"Who is then?" He whispered, Jennifer lifted her head to meet his gaze. "Who the fuck is it?"

"His name is Justin." She said between heart wrenching sobs.

"Did Dad know?" Seth asked as tears began to freely flow down his face.

"Yes." She barely managed. "We got together when you were newborn." Seth's eyes grew wide at the revelation.

"So everyone knew. My whole life has been a lie." Seth jumped up to his feet. "I bet everyone had a great laugh at my expense." He paced the floor.

"Not everyone knew." She replied shaking her head whilst looking at her hands. "He took you as his son, no one ever questioned it."

"But I was born before you were even together." He fumed still walking back and forth across the room. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"As far as I knew up until recently Justin wanted nothing to do with you, so me and your Dad thought it would hurt you less to not know." She said composing herself. "And your Dad loved you so much, it was easy to forget you weren't his biologically." Seth shook his head at this. "I found out through Frankie that Justin had no idea you existed."

"How did you know?" He turned his frantic questioning towards me.

"I read your Mom's letters and then I met Justin for the project." Realisation spread across Seth's face. "He was talking about his longing to have children, that's when I realised he didn't know."

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