Chapter Three

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Dear Diary,

This has not been a good week, on Tuesday I was late for school thanks to Daniel stealing my car as his broke down, he insisted he only borrowed it but taking my car without permission will always be stealing regardless of your DNA.

I missed a deadline on Wednesday on a history assignment due to a huge brawl between Kyle, Daniel, Jesse and Joshua, the house was trashed and it fell to me (as always) to clear up their mess while the offenders went for make up drinks.

God my life sucks, it's as if I've taken on the role of a mother. Dad's always working at the diner, trying to make ends meet. The boys are next to useless around the house, my only brother who was ever any help is Matthew and he headed off to study at NYU two years ago, I'm not sure if he ever plans on moving back this way. Not that I blame him. My other brothers have chosen to stay here, they said it's to help dad, I personally think it's because the real world is too scary for them and they need to grow a pair.

I also published the latest edition of the school newspaper with seven spelling mistakes. I was mortified. And Helen one of the writers for the paper called for my resignation as editor. I obviously put her in her place, I fought hard for the editor position and I'm not going to give it up for anything. I'll just go through the next edition with a fine tooth comb, no more errors on my watch.

The only good thing about this week was getting some actual alone time with Justin after last Friday's game. Sneaking around pays off sometimes. Friday solidified our relationship and I have no doubts anymore, I'm head over heels for Justin, it's like a movie, when he's near me my heart races, my tummy does somersaults, I just cannot get enough of him. Roll on college days.


It had been a week since we'd been given the journals and I'd been slowly getting through the pages, learning more and more about Jen. I began to realise that despite us having similar aspirations and interests our backgrounds were very different, Jen came from a large family surrounded by siblings whereas the only family I had ever known was my mother and father, Jen's family also had money troubles that I'd never known. Jen longed for the freedom that I had in abundance and I craved the security and belonging that came with her family.

"Thank you for joining me again." Miss Steele said to our mismatched group. "I just wanted to find out how you are all feeling about the project and see if we are ready for the next step."

"I absolutely love my match." Brandi piped up. "I believe that if she had been here now we'd probably be besties."

"My match is rather melancholy." Theo the head of the drama club announced. "He's overdramatic but in the worst possible way."

"My match seems pretty similar to me, we have the same interests." Rebecca head of mathletes offered up.

"Mine too." I agreed. "To a certain extent."

"I'm not a huge fan of mine, he seems very arrogant." Sofia head of the spanish club huffed.

"And yours Kevin?" Miss Steele asked.

"Yeah he's great, sounds like he had an exciting future ahead of him." He nodded confidently, I knew for a fact Kevin had only been skimming the pages when I'd been encouraging him to read them, this project was just a drain on what he considered to be his valuable time.

"Well great, so now you've all got a feel for your match it's now time for you to find them." Miss Steele began handing out envelopes. "Inside these you'll find the name of the person you've been matched with. I'll be happy to provide any support I can in your search for your match, some will be easier to find than others." The room suddenly filled with the sound of envelopes opening. I opened mine and read 'Jennifer Black', I wracked my brain for a moment seeing if the name rang any bells which it didn't.

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