Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up the following morning with the sun glaring through the gaps of my bedroom curtains, my head throbbed, I pulled my blanket over my head in an attempt to reduce the invasive morning. It was just my luck to have somehow caught the flu, this had to be the flu.

I willed myself to get up and go to the bathroom, pushing myself up off the bed brought a wave of nausea and a fresh wave of pain to my head causing me to groan, I caught sight of a pool of burgundy fabric at the foot of my bed, flashbacks from the night before came flooding back, Seth on the doorstep, becoming homecoming queen, kissing Seth, dancing with Izzy on a table, beer pong, more kissing, watching Michael and Issac doing keg stands, sitting on Seth's lap, more kissing, the inability to open my front door, Seth coming to the rescue.

I should of been in regret mode, feeling sorry for myself for having a terrible hangover, not flu like I'd originally assumed, but I wasn't, I didn't regret a single moment from last night.

My bedroom door began to creep open slowly, I froze with fear knowing I should be the only one home.

"You're awake." Seth stated as he stuck his head between the gap he'd created between the door and the doorframe, his hair dishevelled and his voice thick with sleep.

"What are you doing here?" I asked perplexed by his sudden arrival. He pushed the door wider and revealed himself to be in his shirt and pants from the night before.

"I crashed on the sofa, you were in a state last night and I was worried you'd end up sick or something." He walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. "I brought you up some water and aspirin earlier but you were still asleep." He gestured to the glass of water and two tablets placed on the bedside table.

"Thank you." I reached over and quickly swallowed the pills with some water. "What time is it?" I asked feeling a little better just from the sip of water.

"It's 12.15."

"Wow, I really need to get up." I didn't have a huge amount planned but if I spent the day in bed I wouldn't sleep tonight.

"Are we still on for today?" Seth asked with hope in his eyes, I wracked my brain for whatever I'd agreed to do today. A smile crossed my face as I remembered.

"Of course."

"I need to go home and get showered and changed, shall I come back and pick you up?"

"If you wait for me to get showered and changed I could come with you." I suggested.

"Okay, that's cool." He shrugged before leaning over and placing a soft kiss on my lips, it felt even better this morning, his lips lingered against mine and my pulse quickened. "I've waited all morning to do that." He rested his forehead against mine and I blushed. "Now get ready, I'm hungry." He climbed off the bed and left me alone to get ready.


We pulled up outside Seth's house and rushed inside as Seth insisted he was now on the verge of starvation.

"Ah, the wanderer returns." Jennifer met us in the hallway, her arms folded across her chest. She raised an eyebrow when she spotted our interlocked hands.

"Hi Mom, I crashed at Frankie's last night." He said with a shrug. "I'm going to get ready." He informed us both before pecking my lips, with that he turnt and thundered up the stairs leaving me and Jen stood awkwardly in the hallway.

"Coffee?" Jen offered and I nodded gratefully before following her into the kitchen. "How was the dance?" She asked as she began rummaging through the cupboards.

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