Chapter Thirteen

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The ten days that followed were a blur of utter despair and silence, I never would have believed that losing a pet would cause such grief, but that's exactly what I'd felt, grief. I hadn't been to school instead opting to stay in my room and longing for my beautiful boy who would never return.

Carla had took it upon herself to visit daily, sitting in my room attempting to fill me in with school gossip but I didn't have it in me to take an interest, so instead she'd sit alongside me watching trashy reality TV or listening to music.

Kevin had stopped by for the first four days, each time he visited he would apologize profusely for throwing the stick and for chasing Barley, he'd sit with me watching any sport that happened to be on TV, if there was no sport on he'd use his time to show me his affection, showering me with hugs and compliments, or peppering my face and neck with kisses.

Seth had attempted to visit several times. I hid in my room until his knocks and calls ended, I couldn't deal with my betrayal and grief at the same time.

Mom and Dad had even taken it upon themselves to ring several times a day to check I was okay and remembering to eat.

"Wake up." A voice demanded as a pillow hit my face, I rubbed my eyes and tried to readjust them to my surroundings but all too soon the curtains were yanked open pouring light into the room.

"Argh." I grimaced pulling the covers back over my head.

"Get up." The blankets were suddenly pulled from my body, the cold morning air unwelcoming. I looked up at the perpetrator, Carla stood over me, hands on her hips. "This has gone on too long now." She said sternly. "Get ready for school." I rolled over on to my stomach and buried my head in the pillows.

"I'm not going." I insisted, my voice muffled by the pillows.

"Yes you are." She said sitting on the bed beside me. "I know you loved Barley." Her voice softened and my eyes began to water. "But you can't stay cooped up, it's not good for you and Barley wouldn't want to see you like this." She smoothed down my hair, I sat up and sniffed. "You can do this." She encouraged me, I sniffed again and nodded slowly, I knew I couldn't stay here forever, it was time to face reality.

"Okay." I said quietly, Carla pulled me towards her and gave me a hug.

"Good." She sounded relieved. "I had Ben and Ryan waiting outside in case I needed back up."

"Really?" I said surprised, she laughed and nodded. I stood up and headed for the bathroom.

"I'll wait for you downstairs." She said headed out the door.

I rushed around getting ready not wanting Carla to have to wait around too long, especially as I could hear her having to endure my dad's bad jokes. I quickly braided my hair and threw on a denim skirt, plaid shirt, tights and my converse.

I walked downstairs to find Ryan and Ben had also made their way inside, they were all sat at the breakfast bar conversing with Dad.

"Hey sweetheart." He greeted me with a smile and a look of relief.

"Morning Dad." I gave him a hug, being wrapped up in my own grief I'd forgotten he was hurting too.

"Looking good." Carla winked at me, I gave an appreciative smile. "Don't forget your wallet."

"My wallet?"

"Yeah, we're going dress shopping after school for the homecoming dance." She said with a shrug as brought a coffee mug to her lips.

"I'm not going homecoming."

"Yes you are." She insisted. "You're boyfriend is our star quarterback and a sure thing for homecoming king which means you have a shot at queen." She almost squealed with excitement.

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