Chapter Twenty

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In the months that followed Seth's departure I threw myself into school work, the newspaper and preparing for the centenary presentation.

With the help of Ryan, Carla and Ben I was very rarely left alone, we'd spend our evenings watching movies together, and weekends going on day long road trips to explore all that nature had to offer.

The newspaper had benefited from my extra attention, I'd found a few other students to contribute regular comic strips and had added a new agony aunt column which Carla was only too happy to take on. Students were genuinely enjoying reading the new content and in the run up to the centenary celebrations I was adding interviews from the former time capsule participants.

This week's instalment was the final instalment before the centenary celebrations took place. My stomach felt heavy looking at the final piece on my screen. Jen smiled at the camera with a fake smile plastered on her face, her eyes filled with a sadness that I felt too.

I'd seen Jen a few times since the day she had cried on my shoulder, she'd done the same as me and had thrown herself into the diner, working long shifts to avoid spending time alone.

I hadn't seen Justin, but I knew it was unavoidable as he'd RSVP'd to the Miss Steele's invitation to the presentation, as had Jen.

Jen had decided that she wanted to discuss her pregnancy in the interview and was happy for me to discuss it at the presentation too. She wanted to encourage any girls who find themselves in a similar situation to own it and not be pressured into anything they didn't want to do. And although she felt she hadn't achieved much in her life she thought Seth was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to her.

I reread the final few lines before clicking save, happy with what I'd written.


The day of the centenary celebrations arrived and the school hall was in full preparation mode, old school photos were being hung around the room, streamers in the school's colours hung perfectly across the ceiling, a refreshment table was set up at the back of the hall with the rest of the hall filled with chairs facing the stage,

I'd practiced and practiced my presentation, I knew, but I was still so nervous, I couldn't decide if they were normal public speaking jitters or the fact I was stood in the most outrageous outfit I'd ever worn.

"Keep still or I'm going to end up crimping your ear." Carla told me sternly as she proceeded to place another section of hair in the crimping iron. "I can't believe this was considered fashionable." She wrinkled her nose up in disgust.

"Gee, thanks Carla, I feel pretty." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong, you're killing it in that outfit, it's just the hair." I rolled my eyes at her in the bathroom mirror I was sat in front of. I had to agree though, this outfit was amazing, in a retro way, all straight from the time capsule.

"Now are you sure you want to do this?" Carla stood in front of me brandishing the eighteen year old tube of frosted lip gloss. I nodded stiffly in response and she screwed up her nose as she ran the wand across my lips, it felt tacky but it looked okay. "Okay, done."

She stepped back to admire her work. I stood up and examined myself in the mirror, the halter neck and lace up jeans weren't something I would pick for myself but Jen had unknowingly picked the clothes for me all those years ago.

"I'm so nervous Carla." I admitted.

"You've got nothing to be nervous about, we'll be there cheering you on." She rubbed my arm and I smiled back at her in the mirror. "Now let's get to the hall, I want to get a good seat." She said packing up her beauty salon.

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