Chapter Sixteen

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Over a week had passed since running into Justin, I'd spent all my free time in Seth's company, I'd pushed down the feeling of guilt I'd been burdened with, I mean really far down, it was the only way I could continue whatever this was with Seth. And whatever it was I didn't want it to end, he was funny, charming and so sweet he could give me cavities.

The doorbell rang downstairs knocking me out from my daydreams, I ran down the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me before swinging the front door open, Seth stood on the porch, his face broke into a grin before he closed the distance between us, enveloping me in an embrace.

"Morning beautiful." He kissed my lips gently.

"Morning." I replied breathlessly, I was getting used to feeling this way around him, it was almost as if he ignited something within me whenever he was near. "I'm just finishing getting ready." I informed him before racing back up the stairs.

I stopped in front of my bedroom mirror and swept my brush through my hair, catching a few tangles as I did.

"When are your mom and dad back?" Seth appeared in the doorway startling me.

"Tomorrow afternoon." I replied grabbing my jacket from the closet.

"So soon, it's gonna be weird not having all this freedom to come and go as we please." Seth pulled a sad face. "We should do something tonight, your last night of freedom."

"I can assure you that you won't even notice my parents are back." I rolled my eyes. "But we can still do something tonight."

"I don't know why you always act like having your own space is such a bad thing, most kids would kill for the freedom and trust your parents put in you." Seth said shaking his head lightly. "Anyway, leave it to me." I slipped on my jacket contemplating what Seth had said, I'd never considered it as a mark of trust. "Come on, let's go." He urged me towards the door.

He remained pretty quiet as we drove along, I couldn't help but admire the little frown on his face as he drove in silent contemplation.

"What's on your mind?" I asked breaking the silence that surrounded us.

"Can I borrow your house keys?" I raised an eyebrow. "I've got an idea for tonight, but I need your keys."

"Okay." I drew the word out still confused as I began to fish around in my bag for my keys. After locating my bundle of keyrings I handed them over.

"I like that." He said lifting slightly off the seat to slip the keys into his pocket.


"You weren't sure but you didn't question me." I looked at him still a little bemused. "It means you trust me, and that means a lot. Trust is important." He sent me a smile that made my heart soar but my stomach drop. I hate secrets.

"I do trust you." I said honestly, he reached over and grabbed a hold of my hand, keeping it in his as he drove along.


After departing from Seth I spent the entire morning wishing away the time, I sat doodling in the margins of my notes, watching as the clock hands moved at a sluggish pace.

The lunch bell rung signalling freedom, I sprung out of my seat and was the first one out of the class by a long stretch. My eyes focused as far down the corridor as I could, hoping to spot Seth in the crowd, even just a glimpse of his perfectly coiffed hair so I could know he was nearby.

I was so intent on spying him in the crowd that I didn't see what was right in front of me, or rather who was right in front of me until it was too late. I crashed into a hard chest, their arms quickly steadied me before releasing me again.

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